Chapter 16: Fairy Tales

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Chi-Chi sat at the bottom corner of Shalay's bed which sported a pink comforter with white polka dots. She was holding a book titled "Fairy Tales". She often rolled her eyes at the title for its obvious name. Shalay laid under her blanket at the top of the bed, her eyes widened with excitement at the lovely story being told to her. In all, it was exactly what Chi-Chi had imagined having a daughter would be like. She loved her boys – husband included - but it was nice having a sweet young girl around.

"The end," Chi-Chi concluded while snapping the book shut. The whole time she read the story to Shalay, the girl was giddy with fascination – almost like she never heard a fairy tale before. Chi-Chi wouldn't put that thought behind her. Shalay was, after all, from another planet.

"So what did you think of 'The Little Mermaid'?" Chi-Chi mused, still loving the sparkle in the little neko-girl's blue eyes. Shalay propped herself up on her elbows, slowly because of the ache in her muscles from "training" with the boys. She gave a closed eye grin and a swift nod of the head.

"It was sogood," Shalay stressed before promptly sitting up all the way. "It was like I was the little mermaid, without a prince, of course." Her eyes glazed over she was lost in a distant dream.

"Well," Chi-Chi continued, "You can be any one you choose to be." She faltered a bit where she sat before backtracking on her encouraging speech.

"As long as that isn't a big shot hero of the universe that is..." Shalay wasn't paying attention at all, so Chi-Chi decided to grab her interest.

"You know," she said with a mischievous smile. "I am a princess." Shalay's neck could have broken at the speed she whipped it to look up at Chi-Chi for confirmation that she heard correctly.

'Chi-Chi was a real life way!' Shalay thought skeptically, but hopefully all the same. 'But if she's a princess and she has children, that would make them...' The gears were turning in Shalay blonde head as she scurried from under her blankets to lie on Chi-Chi's lap. The mother of two and her new plus one, began brushing her finger through said one's hair.

"Really?" Shalay asked, finally after getting comfortable in her new position. Chi-Chi hummed response of 'yes' and began to explain.

"My father is the Ox King. He's a big man with a heart just as large to match," Chi-Chi said fondly. She loved her father very much. She believed he made her into the woman she was today, although she didn't possess the "free-will" parenting he did, in her eyes she still owed him the credit. Hopefully her children would grow up and love her the same way.

Shalay's eyes were getting heavy but she wanted to know more. "Why'd you leave your castle?"

"I fell madly in love!" Chi-Chi swooned, playfully falling back onto the bed. Shalay sat up giggling along with the older woman. They laughed for a while longer, holding their sides from the force of their giggles. Shalay thought it was nice to see Chi-Chi go from the usual no-nonsense-mom to a more laid-back-mom. It didn't last long though, as Chi-Chi became deadly serious.

"You know something else?" Shalay looked up to face her with a cock of her head. "Goten's a prince just as I am a princess." Chi-Chi let her statement float in the air before it smacked Shalay across her face.

"Ah!" Shalay yelped in realization. "G-Goten's a prince!? I knew it!"

Chi-Chi made a sudden move to get off the bed and walked over to the doorway. She turned and blew a kiss goodnight to Shalay before switching off the light and shutting the door. As soon as the door closed, Chi-Chi did a little happy dance in a circle, not noticing Goku watching her.

"What are you doing?" Goku asked innocently, making Chi-Chi nearly hit the wall in shock. She quickly composed herself, dusting off her kimono. He walked up to her suspiciously, eyeing her now rigid body. "What did you say to Shalay?"

"N-nothing to worry about." She began running down the hall to their bedroom. "You'll find out in about six to nine years." Goku stood shocked for a moment before running off after her.

"H-hey, what does that mean?" The bedroom door slammed. "Chi, hey, what's going on!?"


Kuriza sat in the command room of the ship, barking orders at the pilots and occasionally blasting one. He tapped his nails impatiently on the arm of his hovering chair. He hated waiting and getting to that planet called 'Earth', was that its name? It didn't matter. He was slowly getting more pissed off, and was slowly running out of useless people to kill.

"Kuriza, sir," a sweet voice of a young girl sounded from his side. He turned to face her quickly and he even graced her with a crooked smile. The girl had red skin and a body that was clearly still developing into that of a woman. She was no more than thirteen years old. She had long grey hair that looked well managed. Unlike the others she didn't wear a mask, allowing all to see her beautifully smooth face, with eyes a burning gold color.

"Yes, my sweet Yami?" He answered, no malice in his elegant voice.

"I'm bored. When will we get to this 'Urge' planet?" she said, pouting her polished lips and stomping slightly.

"It's called 'Earth'." Although he wasn't sure that was the correct name either, but he was almost positive. "Why are you out of your chambers? I don't want anyone to see your beauty but me!" he growled in a spoilt way.

"Oh, poo." She threw off his question simply. With her beauty he wouldn't dare hurt her, not until he found a prettier girl out there. When that day came she was done for. Might as well live it up till then. She did everything in her power to disfigure anyone better looking than her. The beauties of 'Earth' should beware.

"We will arrive in two weeks, my lord," a lackey pilot announced, keeping his head facing downward. He didn't dare look up at Yami. If he did it'd be his neck, quite literally.

"Oh, that's splendid!" Kuriza rejoiced, looking down at Yami, who looked a bit off. "Yami don't frown, it makes you ugly," he said fiercely, causing Yami to smile like her life depended on it, because it did.

"That's better," he said evenly, no expression visible on his smooth white face.

"You are my princess. Well, at least until I find a better one!" He burst into hysterical laughter, holding his side in its affect. Yami fought the urge to lash out at him. Though she didn't look it, she was his best warrior and fought many battles beside him. He said he'd find another. She'd just have to make that a lie, now wouldn't she?

"You see, Yami, you have an exotic look of beauty. Right now though, I want a traditional beauty, just like in the fairy tales."

((Two day...cuz i love y'all!  So can you please tell me what you think about this chapter and Kuriza as a whole?))

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