Chapter 24: My Allies

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Trunks ran to the control panel and hit the microphone button. "Hello ship, this is your almighty leader speaking," he said with his hand on his hips. The button blinked a few times before saying, "Acknowledged. How may I help you today, Almighty Leader?" The ship's voice sounded a lot like his mom's. Well it was his mom's voice since she helped program voice control on the ship.

"Take us to planet Prida!" Goten entered the ship and locked the hatch. He then took off his helmet and took a deep breath. Being in that helmet felt very confining.

"As you wish. Expected arrival is in five hours and thirty minutes." Trunks turned to his partner in crime and smirked proudly. Goten let the information sink in. Each second his grin grew wider. "We found her! We found her!" Goten ran over to Trunks and the both began to do a happy dance.

Trunks stopped dancing and nodded towards their seats. "We better strap in or its gonna be a bumpy ride out of this atmosphere." Goten nodded in agreement. They both took a seat and strapped in. The ship took off after Trunks hit the button.

The boys stared out the large window in front of them. We're coming Shalay.

A short boy, who was not so obviously from the planet Prida because he covered his four eyes with a white cloth, scurried through the halls. He dodged taller people that were setting up for the wedding. "Give this box to my bride at once," Kuriza ordered while staring the boy in his lavender eyes. The boy gulped and saluted him. He was nervous about getting a task from his highness,  but he also felt a sense of pride. The young boy's father once worked for Lord Frieza and now it was his turn to serve a higher up.

The boy had pale white skin and very vibrant light blue hair. It seemed like it was almost glowing. He breathed in deeply and picked up his pace. He turned left and ended up in front of Shalay's chambers. He could feel himself shaking as he raised a hand to knock on the door. He knocked twice and was met by the face of a downtrodden girl.

"M'lady," he started with a quick bow, "A peasant has given you a gift to honor this momentois day." His words almost came out robotic like since he had rehearsed it so much on the way over. He dropped on both knees and held his head down. His shot both arms up to present the box to her.

Shalay's smiled at him a little. She gently took the box from his hands. "Thank you," she said softly, "Hey, um,  what's your name?" The boy slowly looked up and then pointed to himself. As of he wasn't sure she was talking to him. Shalay's nodded before plopping down on the floor with him.

The boy nearly fainted. A queen-to-be asked his name and was now sitting right in front of him. Her wedding dress was very puffy so it covered her entire lower body at she sat. Her blue eyes looked at him patiently.

"M-my name is Sage," he smiled from ear to ear.

"Oh! That's a cool name!" Sage began to blush. "Sage, how old are you?"

"I-I'm eight sun rounds."

Shalay gave him a puzzled look. "I'll guess that means years. Anyway,  come on let's see what's in the box!" Shalay reached for his hand but he dodged it. He quickly stood up and held a hand out to her.

"M'lady you are beyond sitting on the floor and talking to a servant. Please rise and I will let myself out." Shalay's eyes glassed over a little. All this time she hadn't met anyone near her aged. It reminded her of being locked up in Crane's cell again. And this boy...this boy Sage, reminded her of when Goten came and rescued her.

"Then... Then how about this," Shalay's stood up and slammed the door. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the bed. "I order you to join me!" Sage gulped and adjusted his shirt collar. He nodded and sat down beside her on the bed.

Shelby opened the box and in it was a syringe with a dark grey liquid. "For your freedom, my dear." The inside of the lid read. Sage looked up at her hesitantly. He pointed at the box and hopped up out of the bed.

"I must tell my Lor-" Shaka tackled him and pressed her hands over his mouth. She leaned in and whispered.

"You can't tell him. You can't," she ground out while Sage struggled beneath her. "I need to get out of here. And if he won't let me on his own will I have to get rid of him. He's a terrible evil little lizard. He stole me from my new home. He took me away from my family and my best friend." He began to struggle less. "I don't want your stinking help. I just want to be free. He is evil. You know it! Don't make me hurt you.  I really don't want to, but I will if you're gonna try and stop me." Sage relaxed under her and she slowly removed her hands. "Thank you," she said before softly kissing his cheek.

She started to get off of him when she noticed something. They were both crying. She wiped his tear and smiled at him. He only looked up at her in awe. The thought of his father serving an evil dictator ran through his mind.  The shame of wanting to follow in his footsteps stung him. If this is want serving meant, he wanted no part of it.

"No," Sage sobbed out, "I want to help you!" Shalay stood up and pulled him up too. She began hugging him so tight that he almost couldn't breath.

"Thank you."
Okay so next chapter is about to get REAL !!!! I HOPE YOU'RE READY!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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