Chapter 19: Companion

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The fight had changed its priority before it even began. Kuriza wants Shalay, for Kami knows what. Gohan had instructed that the gang surrounds Shalay in hopes that she won't get snatched up. Kuriza watched their efforts with glee.  He covered his mouth partially with his fingers and giggled. He'd get her, the blond beauty with the tail and ears.

Kuriza cleared his throat and slowly walked around the heroes. "May I ask what race you are, girl? " He had this air about him that screamed 'this is not a optional question.' Shalay blinked multiple times and shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. Gohan gave her a look warning her to not talk to the villian. 

She disregarded his stare, "I'm a neko-jin." She said in a shaky voice before clearing her dry throat. "And my name is Shalay. I refuse to leave with... With the likes of you! This, " she gestures to the gang, "is my family!"

Kuriza's eyes bugged out and his face started to turn pink. He then burst out into laughter. He pointed and giggled hysterically. For a while more he laughed until he wiped tears away. He slowly stood up straight; face deadly serious now. He swept his arm through the arm swiftly.

"I'm finished lolling around. I shall end this quickly. But slow enough so I can enjoy it." A creeping smile formed on his purple lips. It stretched from ear to ear almost literally. He grinned lightly an in an instant he was infront of Vegeta. The young lizard jumped and spinned kicked Vegeta in the throat. The force from the attack sent Vegeta at least sixty feet away. 

Trunks gasped and sped to avenge his father. Kuriza reached out and Trunks ran right into his hands; literally. Trunks choked as the grip on his throat cut off his air ways. Goten and Shalay growled before powering up and coming to aid Trunks. Goten got there first, and blasted him in the face. Kuriza screeched releasing Trunks. 

Shalay fell to his side and tried to help him nurse his wounded neck. The prints and scratches from Kuriza's nails bleed slightly. He coughed violently while glaring at the enemy. Goten flashed over to his friends in a heartbeat.

"A-are you okay?" Trunks waved him off.

"I'm fine."

The sound of grunting and impact made the trio look up. Goku decided to take this fight into his own hands. He was over powering Kuriza quickly. Kuriza's face was covered in dirt, sweat, and a pained expression. They kept rising off the ground with each kick. With every ki blast. With every punch,  dodge, and leap, they rose. Goku's face was content and calm. He had nothing to fear, he had this.

Just then Yami appeared beside Goku, once he was in reach, she latched onto him. Her legs straddling him from behind and her arms put him in a head lock. "Ah what the..." Goku whined while trying to shake her off. She only squeezed tighter. "No fair guys!" He ground out before he got an idea. He flipped over and started to dive towards the ground.

"What are doing?!" Yami stuttered nervously as the wind yanked through her hair. Goku didn't answer, just laughed a bit. They crashed deep into the hot sand. The impact made Yami let go. She climbed out of the sand; spitting and coughing. "This is... Pftt pfft...un..Pftt... Acceptable."

In the distance a scream was heard. It was far off but was quickly approahing. Soon enough a very pissed Vegeta emerged with red face and popping veins. He saw Kuriza and pointed at him with a sneer. "Youuuu. You little brat! How dare you?!"

Kuriza turned his eyes to his left and saw Goku fighting Yami. He then looked to his right and saw Trunks and Goten running towards him. Behind him Gohan was heading the same way. He smirked. "Well I'd love to stay. Really I would. But I have an agenda." Kuriza transported to Shalay, who was left unattended, and knocked her out with a swift insert of a nail into the back of her neck. He draped her over his arm like a coat and transported back to his ship door.

"Shalay!" Everyone yelled at the the closing ship door.

"Dad!  Instant Transport to her quick!" Gohan screamed frantically. Goku nodded but was interupted from consenstration by Yami. She started levitating; the pupils off her eyes were gone. Her white hair spiked a bit and her skin turned grey.

"No I'm afraid I can't let that happen!" Her voice was deep but traces of her usual voice was scattered in the background. She bellowed loudly as she released and unforeseen amount of pure power. It made a sand storm appear all around them. All of the heroes coughed and wheezed. Yami snickered before shooting off to the air craft. She came to the door and bust inside.  The metal bent inwards and littered the once flawless floors. Guards immediately started to repair it; this kind of thing happened a lot.

"My lord! My Lord!" She yelled through the halls. Kuriza was sitting in the command room with a perturbed expression.

"What's that out there, my sweet?" He said in his usual kind tone towards her. He was referring to Yami's sand storm distration. "I did that My Lord. So we could escape..."

"See that's where you're wrong," Kuriza pointed to Yami then to himself, "We're not going any where." A grin came to his face as terrified squeaks left Yami's mouth. 

"Please My dear sweet Lord. I love you and... "

"Cut the shit Yami," Kuriza pressed his black nails under her chin, "We all know you hate me. Now vanish!" He smiled at her before driving his claws into her chin. He didn't stop. He kept digging. And digging. Yami choked and struggled, but soon enough she lost the battle. Her body went limp and fell over. Followed by a single tear. She reverted back into her original form. There she died. 

Kuriza turned away. He licked his fingers longingly before turning his focus to a dark corner in the room. "Did you see that?! Did you see how she disrespected me?! How she lied and pleaded?! And that face...that hideous face of fear.  It just mocked me. I had to remove it! Did you see?  You understand don't you?" The sound of whimpering came from the corner.

"No no don't cry. You'll ruin your make-up." The engines started and the ship blasted off. The unsteady movement made the ship rock. Revealing Shalay in full make-up,  a princess bun, and a frilly blue and white dress. Her face was stained with tears. And she looked petrified. Her ears drooped and her tail wrapped around her waist."My sweet, sweet princess. Fix your face, you can't afford to be ugly. "


The sand cleared and the desert was... Well deserted. Not a soul in sight. Until Goten popped up from underneath a few feet of sand. His eyes were red and his skin was dry.  He licked his lips but the sand had sucked up all the moisture from his body. Then popped out Trunks his eyes red as well but he looked pissed. Goten ran to him after breaking free he pulled Trunks up.

"We have to..." Goten started

"Save Shalay." Trunks finsished. They turned in circles and could sense the rest were still down below in the sand. "They'll get out. But right now I have and idea." Goten agreed with Trunks and they took off towards Capsule Corps.

What's Trunks' idea?!  How creepy can Kuriza get?!  What is Shalay's fate with such a twisted creature?!  And how lame was that fight scene ,i suck ┐(´д`)┌ , and when will they rest of the gang escape their sandy prison?!  The world may never know...

Stay checking for the next update. Schools a killer, man!!!  Oh and thanks for voting, reading, and commenting!!  It means so much! 
Love ya~


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