Chapter 15: Lord Kuriza, The Devil's Seed

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An alien wearing black and orange armor with circular shoulder pads with a spike protruding from each one, gasped at his computer screen. The room was dimly lit with a single ceiling light swaying back and forth. The alien scurried to his living quarters. As it was running it passed multiple windows that displayed the deep depths of space on the outside.

Inside his room he retrieved a black mask with the numbers '186' stamped on the forehead in orange. The alien sped down the same hallway as before, making a right. Along the way he bumped into multiple other aliens, all different sizes and shapes. The only thing similar was the masks they wore, each one modeling their own numbers on the forehead.

He halted in front of a large marbled double door. He bowed on one knee and spoke in a raspy voice.

"M-my lord, please allow me to enter."

The doors opened slowly, revealing a large circular room with a single floating chair in its center. In the chair was another alien - this one much more confident than the last.

This alien was white with orange plates covering his shoulders, elbows, and knees. There was also one on the top of his head that stuck up like a Mohawk. His eyes were pointed on the edges and a deep red. He had a tail that swung impatiently from the side of his chair. This alien was slim, but toned - he looked to be in his pre-teen years. His lizard like tail made it clear he was an icijin. The same race as Frieza. His father.

"What do you want, number 186." His voice was elegant, childish, and menacing all the same. "I, Lord Kuriza, have better things to do."

Number 186 bowed respectively. "Yes, this I know my Lord, but this is important." Kuriza rolled his eyes, but waved his hand for 186 to continue none the less. "I was just informed about the whereabouts of Lord Frieza's and King Colds' murders."

"Oh, really?" Kuriza interest was at its peak now, although his voice had no remorse at all.

"Yes, and I know that you want to avenge your family's death."

"What planet is it then?" Kuriza began to bite his black finger nail. "Is it the one we already reclaimed or is it a rebel planet?"

Over the years, since the hierarchy of the Colds was ended so abruptly, they lost most of the planets they worked hard to conquer. Kuriza had been 'collecting' the planets that were lost, although some have rebelled and were currently at war with Kuriza's army.

186 cleared his throat. "Actually, sir, it is neither. It must be some back water planet."

Kuriza froze, building the tension in the large room. 186's legs started shaking under the pressure of his Lord's deep glare.

"Are you saying my father, Lord Frieza, was killed on some back water planet?" Kuriza ground out through clenched teeth.

"N-n-no sir," 186 sputtered out fearfully.

"Good." Kuriza lost all malice from before. "What's its name?"

"E-earth. Its name is Earth, sir." 186 bowed again to show his apologies, but when he bent down, his mask fell off. He was in such a rush earlier he forgot to tie up the restraints. His eyes widened with terror as he fumbled to pick the mask up from the floor freshly polished floor.

The sound of it scrapping the floor caused Kuriza to look up. He narrowed his eyes and breathed out, "How dare you, 186."

186 looked up slowly, tears staining his face. "S-sorry, it just-"

"How dare you show me your hideous face?" Kuriza had been chewing on his nails. He had left on in his mouth to play with, but he had other ideas for it at that moment. He breathed in heavily; puffing out his cheeks in the process.

"N-no sir, I'm sorry...please!" Kuriza spit the nail out and it whizzed through the air like a bullet, and just as a bullet would it shot straight through 186's skull.

186 fell to the floor, lifeless.

Kuriza pressed a button on his chair. It made a 'buzz' sound before it was picked up. "235, send a cleaning crew to my throne room." He released the button and pouted in the direction of 186's dead body.

'What a shame, he was such an amusing guy,'he thought nonchalantly.

"Yes, my lord."

"Also 235, set coordinates for 'Earth'." It was silent a bit before it buzzed once more.

"What is 'Earth', my lo-"

"How should I know? Check 186's computer or something, damn it!"

235 yelped, "Y-yes sir!"

Kuriza bunny hopped over the side of his chair, his face unreadable. He walked to a huge window and placed both hands on it. He looked at his hand and pouted.'I really need to kick that habit of biting my nails. They look hideous, and I hate hideous things! How sad it is that I have my army wear masks because they're ugly, but I have ugly nails.'

"Do you see me, father? Are you proud, grandfather? Oh, and my dear uncle… am I at your expectations of royalty? I hope so," Kuriza talked to himself aimlessly. "I'm gorgeous, in the book the servants read me, everything was beautiful, I hope your resting places were beautiful. If not, I'll blow it up."

"In due time, you all shall be avenged." Kuriza started to giggle softly, which gradually turned into hardy laughter. With his head cocked back and hands on his sides, he laughed at the mayhem he was planning to cause on the planet Earth.

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