Chapter 23: Lost And Found

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Glow rushed over to the door and reached to open it, but Shine stopped her in her tracks. "Glow," he began with a sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, "They can't help us. Didn't you see how tiny and useless they were? Kuriza would make quit work of them and us." Glow slowly pulled her arm back down to her side.

"No... No the great and honorable Kuriza will show mercy on us. He did it before. He let us live. He let Glitter live," she practically whispered while sinking to the floor.

Shine grabbed both of her wrist and lifted her to her feet harshly. He then pushed her into the wall that stood behind her. Shine started directly into her eyes, "Nothing is honorable about that creature. He didn't let us live because he cared. He let us live because wanted us to suffer! Never knowing if Glitter is still alive or being tortured or worse! In his own way he has killed us... He killed the people we used to be..."

Glow struggled to get her wrist out for his grasp, but it was no use. He was stronger. "Glitter... S-she isn't dead. She's fine, she's just fine!"

"Then tell me dear," Shine ground out in his deep voice,"Why is Kuriza remarrying?" Glow took a sharp intake of breath as if she had just got punched in the stomach. "He grew bored with our Glitter. Now he has a new companion."

Shine released Glow only to let her fall to the ground. "You can do whatever you want, just know I won't be a part of it," with that he left out of the same door he kicked the boys out of. He walked directly pass them as if they were not even there.

The boys watched him until he was far out of sight and earshot. Trunks nodded his head towards the house and Goten made a sound of agreement. They both got up and raced over to the Gargoyle home. The door creaked open in its own. Goten looked at Trunks with a tad of nervousness. Trunks rolled his eyes and shrugged before pushing it open the rest of the way.

They heard whimpering and light sobs coming from a corner. They rushed in and saw Glow holding her knees to her chest; crying. Goten hesitantly tried to place a hand on her shoulder but she jumped away. He pouted at the failed attempt to comfort her.
"What the hell happened here," Trunks asked himself. Goten looked over at him with a you-could-at-least-try-to-care-about-her-feelings look. Trunks rolled his eyes yet again and continued to look around the house.

Goten gave her one last look and almost turned away until he heard the sound of paper in her balled up fist. Curiosity took over him as he knelt down and poked her hand. "What's in your hand?" She balled her first up tighter. "Come on! Can I see please," he whined. She quickly looked up at him with a stare of longing. She opened her hand slowly send pet the paper fall into Goten's open palm. She then reverted back into her silent sobs.

Goten began to uncrinkle the paper as carefully as he could. He didn't want to rip it. He opened it to find a flyer of some sort. It had sparkles and smiling alien faces. But the two that stood out the most were...

"Trunks! Trunks! I found her... Shalay is right here with Kuriza," he said while waving the flyer frantically in the air and poking it repeatedly. Trunks nearly broke his neck to turn around. He scurried over to Goten; stumbling a bit along the way. He rudely snatched the paper from his friend and scanned his eyes over it with intense purpose.

"I... I," he stuttered while squinting at the paper, "I don't understand this language. I see that this is obviously a wedding of some sorts, but I can't read the location or anything!" Trunks balled the paper up again and threw it to the floor. "Is this some kind of dumb joke? This isn't fair! We'll never find her!"

Goten slowly placed a hand on Trunks' shoulder. Trunks started to bat it away but Goten gripped it harder. "Yes we will. We'll figure it out. You always figure it out. And when you do... I'll still be here to help ya," Goten smiled his trademark grin that he inherited from his father.

Trunks blinked a few times; denying himself the chance to cry. He shook his head harshly and ran a hand through his lavender hair before sighing. "I never thought I'd say this... But your right Goten. You're right."

"Their wedding will be on planet Prida." Trunks and Goten nearly jumped out of their skin. "That's where he always has his weddings."

Goten looked over at Trunks, who was already looking at him. Trunks nodded his head towards Glow; signaling Goten to talk to her. There's not much trunks can't do, but he knows for a fact that he inherited his father.

"So, you're saying Shalay is on planet Prida?!" Goten couldn't contain his excitement anymore. Glow stared up at the boy with dull eyes. Goten suddenly dropped to his knees and pulled her into a hug. Glow grunted from the sheer force of the hug. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel like she was somewhere familiar. He finally pulled away and grinned at her. "You... You have her smile. That smile of hope and goodness. Please if you see a girl with that smile. Bring her home to me."

Goten's eyes shook as he glanced from one of her eyes to the other."Y-yea, sure I'll look for her," he started nervously, "I'll look until I find her!" Goten had a determined look in his eyes. Trunks on the other hand seemed less than pleased about having to find another missing girl.

"Come on," Trunks ground out, "We gotta go." Goten stood up and began to walk away from Glow. Trunks headed out of the door first leaving Goten, who turned one last time to give Glow a nod before running off to catch up with Trunks.


"Citizens of Prida! All coming from near and far! Please, know is the time to give offerings of love and loyalty to our Lord," The voice of a spokesman came from intercoms placed strategically around the richest Kingdom on Prida.

Prida is a planet of creatures who looked human except for the two extra eyes they have on their foreheads. They dressed as if it was medieval times, making it easy to spot the rich and the poor. Even though their fashion is "outdated" their technology was still on par with Earth.

The planet was filled with castles. The biggest one of course was especially made for Kuriza. His castle was white with hints of orange hidden in the stone. He had gardens upon gardens of white exotic flowers with specks of orange. It was all complimented by the the almost transparent grass and yellow skies.

Inside of Kuriza's lavish castle he had a throne room. He sat on his throne impatiently. A line of people flowed in from the room to outside of the castle. "Oh, God no. Look at you. You're hideous. Get out of my sight," Kuriza spat out.

The little girl he was talking to quivered her lip and ran off through the door that held the line of citizens.

During the gift offering ceremony citizens of Prida gave gifts to Kuriza, honoring his marriage. It was also a way to get an invitation to the ceremony. He would only allow the prettiest of the prettiest to step foot in his wedding.

"Oh my and who do we have here," Kuriza cooed as the doors swung open again. Revealing a curvy girl. She had a pixie cut in her jet black hair. Her green eyes stood out with her dark complexion. She wore a skin tight grey dress.

"We have," she said in a sultry tone, "Alyssum." She approached his throne slowly with a swing of her hips. Unlike the rest of the people on her planet. Alyssum only had one extra eye in the middle of her forehead.

"Well Alyssum, your beauty is nice, but what did you get me." Alyssum smirked and reached in her bag. Out came a black box.

"Actually, My Lord. This is for the Queen to be." Kuriza raised bother brows at her statement. Before beginning to laugh uncontrollably.

"Y-you," he barley got out through giggles, "I like you. You shall attend my wedding indeed."

"Marvelous," Alyssum smirked.


Okay so college is right around the corner. I have so much stuff to do. But I thought maybe I could let this chapter out now. Sorry for the wait. Thank you so much for 4.4k views! There are probably typos... I'll fix them later. Mwah~

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