Chapter 18: You're Mine

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Shalay woke up with a start, sweat sticking her blond bangs to her face. She blinked rapidly and tried to access the situation at hand. The presence of an intense power and serval others made her hairs stand on end. Shalay shuddered, almost regretting the fact that Goten had taught her to sense energy, before pulling the covers off her body and running down the hall and down stairs. To her surprise the Son men were all pacing the room and waiting with contorted faces.

"I-I felt at least three energies over the top powers. It work me out of sleep they were so...scary." Shalay said with her eyes closed tight. Goku put a hand on her shoulder and she opened her eyes slowly. She was met with his reassuring expression.Her heart seemed to have less of a burden now. Goku nodded then turned his attention to Gohan.

"I'm going to Capsule Corp. to get Vegeta and Trunks. Then we'll all head to where this will all begin." His voice was gravely serious. Shalay had never seen Goku so serious before. This only scared her more. Gohan hummed his understanding and went back up stairs to talk to Videl. Goku teleported out of the room only seconds later.

"Shalay," Goten walked over to her and grabbed her arm. She hadn't eve noticed she was shaking. "It'll be alright. We fight bad guys all the time. You'll get used to it, I swear."

"I know but I've never felt such an evil feeling. I'm used to your Dad's crazy strong feeling and Vegeta's, not this." Just then Goku returned with Vegeta and Trunks. Trunks ran over to his two pals and grabbed Goten's face.

"This is going to be awesome! We finally get to reaallyy battle!" Goten tried to smile along with his friend but Trunks was smooshing his cheeks too hard. Shalay fidgeted with her night gown and sighed. She scurried back up stairs to change. She found a blue gi and a pink under shirt. She added two bows on her pigtails; one pink the other blue. When she came back down Trunks came up to her, "Just like a girl." Shalay scrunched her eyebrows.

"What does that mean." A hand on her hip; she had already taken offense to it. "It means, you're always trying to look cute...even in the face of danger." Shalay blushed and poked his shoulder.

"You just called me cute!" Trunks immediately took it back and excused himself to listen in on the grown-ups. Soon enough Vegeta announced they they should head out. They started flying over the green land and watched as it faded into sand. Shalay recognized it as the spot where the found the damned panel in the first place. The pout on Goten's face lead her to believe he regretted that day too. Shalay was the fourth to touch down on the hot sand, after Gohan. It was so close now, close enough that she could almost taste her own fear. Calm faces surrounded her. The sweat beaded off her forehead and her breathe became labored. Everyone else was prepared but her. The way the sky seemed to wave like the ocean made her nauseous.

"It's here." Vegeta growled. The ship rolled in the sky like a giant frisbe. It had the four stands at it's bottom. Basically your average day UFO. It hover only for a second before Landing harshly; leaving a sandy storm in its wake. The hatch opened revealing a lizard like creature's silhouette. "F-Frieza!?" Vegeta stumbled out with clenched teeth. "This can't be possible!"

"That's not Frieza." Gohan stated matter-of-factly. The figure just stood their eyeing them down then erupting into a fit of laughter. "But he does just give off crazy like he did." It stopped laughing and descended down the ramp. The metal of the ramp echoed each time he took a step towards them. Then finally the sun beamed down on him. His appearance became as plain as day.

"I am Lord Kuriza, son of Lord Frieza. And sadly this planet must go, but not before I get some answers." Everyone faltered in a mixture of gasps and grunts. Vegeta scowled and crossed his arms. "So what are you? Some love child or the product of a pretty woman being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Kuriza shrugged and looked at Vegeta with a bored expression.

"I like to believe I land somewhere in between, Vegeta." Vegeta pulled his eyebrows together in disgust. The way his name stung like vemon from that lizard's mouth reminded him of his torturous past. "Oh yes, I know of you. You're a good for nothing servant who got too confident." Vegeta started to get heated and balled up his fist in anger.

"Don't talk to my dad like that!" Trunks ground out through clenched teeth. "Stop thinking you're all high and mighty, you're just a kid!" Kuriza's left eye twitched and he started to bite his black nails while humming a nursery rhyme. Shalay looked around and frantically tried to look smaller. She thought as long as she didn't stand out she'd make it out alive.

"Oh, and you're not?" Kuriza scoffed. "Now then, I was told a neko-jin and a saiyan brat found my father's transponder. I want to talk to" Shalay unintentionally squeaked which drew attention to her that she didn't want. Kuriza's mouth grew into a devious grin. In an instant he was in front of her. He stood a whole head taller than her, so he tilted her chin up to see her better. "My my, aren't you a beauty. A diamond among the rough, I must say." Her blue eyes darted to Goten, whose fist clenched in frustration.

"Here's a deal," The lizard boy breathed out into the crisp desert air, "I take the girl...and I only kill half the population as an offering." Goku sped to Shalay's side and batted Kuriza's hand away from her. Goten and Trunks ran to her to examine her for any damage.  But the only problem was more emotional than physical. "Fiesty bunch." Kuriza rubbed his hand and sighed, "No matter, you'll all die now. I'll just take her back with me after I make her bury your bodies!" He laughed with his gand on his stomach. He was a twisted kid.

The evil seed snapped his fingers and out marched two beings. One a young girl with red skin and white hair. The other a handsome teenage boy with pure white skin and jet black hair. "Yes my Lord!" They answered obdiently. The girl scanned the group and her eyes bugged out at Shalay. "M-my Lord, if fighting is what we're here for, may I destroy her?" Shalay gasped in shock at the malice in the girl's voice. After all they have just "met".

"Yami!" Kuriza bellowed at the red girl. "Don't ask such things of me. This girl will be my new companion. That's final!"


And that's why they call it cliff hanger!!!!!! Hope you like it and ya know voting does help motivate me..haha...yeah so tell me what you think! See you soon!!

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