Angry - Part Three

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He immediately regretted saying what he did but he felt as if he couldn't turn around without looking like an idiot. He was annoyed that Y/N chose her work over their anniversary dinner, and the fact she completely forgot about it. It felt like she was forgetting about him. What if she met someone at her work and found that she had more in common with them?

Brad thought she was going to find someone who would always be there for her, when she needed. He knew that his job wasn't the easiest for her to deal with; him leaving for months to go on tour or to go to a different country whenever he was asked. He thought she deserved someone better than someone like him.

A million thoughts were running through his head but he knew one thing was for certain, he had to apologise to Y/N. She meant far too much to him and he couldn't loose her over a silly argument. He opened the bedroom door and walked down the stairs, shouting her name over and over. The house was in complete silence, which wasn't unusual but something felt different. He looked in the kitchen, where he left her but she was no where to be seen. He walked through to the living room; she wasn't there. He franticly checked every single room in the house before it hit him. She must have left.

Half of him couldn't believe that she had actually left but the other half knew exactly why. He couldn't blame her for wanting to leave. He tried phoning her but straight away he heard her voice mail and cut the call; she must have turned it off.

He slouched down on the couch, his head dropping in his hands and on the verge of tears. He had no idea what he was going to do, but he knew he had to get her back. All he needed was one more chance. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing, which he immediately answered hoping it would be Y/N.

"Mr. Bradley Simpson?" A man's voice questioned, a serious tone to his voice.

"Yes?" Brad mumbled, unsure of who he was speaking to.

"This is Dr. Paul, your girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N has been rushed into hospital after a car hit her in the street. She's in a critical condition and currently doctors are looking at her. Would you like to come in and we can talk?" The man spoke, a hint of sympathy in his voice which made Brad feel even worse.

It felt like a train had just hit him full speed and all the air had been knocked out of his lungs. He didn't know how to speak, and found himself stuttering down the phone.

"Of-of course, y-yes... I'll, um, I'll be right there... Which? Which one, hospital, which hospital is it?" Brad muttered, a hand running through his hair and pushing it back. He couldn't bare the thought of loosing Y/N, he thought this was all his fault. If he didn't argue with her and push her over the edge, she wouldn't have left and then she wouldn't of gotten hit by a car.

The doctor told him the hospital, and Brad cut the call and rushed out the door. Finally he could think straight and he needed to see Y/N. He needed to tell her he was sorry and everything was going to be okay. He needed her to be okay.

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