It doesn't matter.

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I'm all about song imagines ryt now :D

: Little Things ♥

Hope you liked it! Enjoy x.


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You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you

And you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to.

If I let you know I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you

Brad loved you, that was obvious. Any chance he had to show you that he loved you he would. Whether it was just a comforting smile or making you breakfast, he found any way possible to show you how much he cared for you. Since you and Brad started dating there has been a lot more pressure on you. It might have just been you creating the pressure but you felt it and it was breaking you apart. You had this idea of what the perfect girlfriend was and you tried to be that, even though Brad didn't care about that at all. It eventually got to the point where Brad had to stop you and tell you that no matter how hard you tried to be "perfect" he would love you no matter what.

This all happened when you and him were sitting in his living room as you scrolled through twitter. You had been swiping through your timeline when you came across a few rude comments towards you. There was no arguing that you didn't have the perfect body or perfect skin, but up until that point you didn't really care, you were happy in it and nothing else mattered. But once you saw those tweets about your skin and weight you thought that it might not be good enough for Brad, so you put down the popcorn in your lap and ran your hands over your face. Brad noticed you setting the popcorn down and now watched your fingers trail across your face.

"What's the matter babe," was all he asked.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" you said back not answering the question.

"Of course, you are the prettiest girl there could ever be."

"That's not true. There are plenty of girls prettier than me. Ones that are skinnier and ones that have way better skin."

"So, none of that matters to me. Does it matter to you?"

"Well, I don't know, it would be nice to be a little thinner and not get acne..." you said trailing off.

"Yeah, we all wish that, but that's not reality. There is nothing we can do about our skin, and weight doesn't matter. You aren't overweight so why does it matter."

"I know I can't control my skin and I know I'm not over weight, but I could still try harder to keep my skin clear and I could deal with losing a few pounds."

"But I don't want you to. You are perfect the way you are. I love when you get a red bump and you just stare at it in frustration in the mirror right before bed. I also love how much you weigh; it's the perfect amount. You fit perfectly in my arms, if you were any smaller it just wouldn't be the same."

"I don't know, I guess I just wish I was better for you."

"There is no way you can be better. You are perfect and I love everything about you. Nothing is going to keep me from loving you or make me love you any less. No matter what people say you will always be perfect to me. I want you to know that I love you, and will always love you."

You looked at him as he said these things to you. This is what you have always wanted. You wanted someone to accept you for who you are and love you for it, and you've found him. Brad loves you no matter what and you love him. There was nothing that was going to get in the way of you two loving each other. No matter how much you hated your body or your skin Brad would love it and tell you any opportunity he got.

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