"You don't have any right to say that."

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"You don't have any right to say that." - Prompt #21

" - Prompt #21

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You were in love with Bradley but he had a girlfriend, Jessica.

It had been eating you up for weeks and weeks on end at the fact Bradley had a girlfriend that always knows what buttons to push to make you jealous. You had been in love with Bradley for over three years now, shy over those years and the only person who knew about it was Tristan who was also close to you.

You and Bradley are so close unlike the others that you started to have feelings for him but you got that limit to where you're sustained at friends only. At some point, he can be too caring, too close to you or sometimes he'd even start to act like your boyfriend, he's always sweet to you. You had this little hope on you, hoping he'd feel the same way and that you're just waiting for the right time. But guess what, you're there looking like a fool with his slutty girlfriend.

Bradley's girlfriend had over heard you and Tris talking about your love for Bradley one time. She'd made sure to do everything she did with Bradley in front of you to either make you upset to hurt you. Bradley and his girl had been going out little over two weeks and you were reaching braking point. Your heart was almost shattered. You hadn't eaten in 4 days and you found yourself on a regular basis not wanting to get out of bed.

Every time that Bradley would want to come see you or have a chat with you, she would always find a way to stop it. You don't care anymore because you're too broken to. You were depressed, had no one to talk to and those pathetic eyes you don't wan to see has been torture, making you feel worthless. You had lost a significant amount of weight due to you being a skinny little thing anyways but your jaw and cheekbone structure was starting to show more than usual.

Tristan was the one who was taking care of you the most as he would practice his drums nearly 24/7 and didn't need to go to rehearsals for some time. Tris had forced you out of bed by picking you up carrying you bridal style in your pjs and to the rehearsal studio where you sat on his knee and everyone had saw your for the first time in 2 days as they had been playing shows and hadn't had the time to pop in and see you but for Tris, he shares a room with you so he sees you everyday and night.

When Bradley saw you you saw that his jaw dropped a little, then he all of a sudden ran over to you and enveloped you in a big hug making you frown at his sweet embrace but his girl wasn't having any of it and that's when you snapped.

"Get away from me, Brad." You barely whisper, pushing him away.

"Why? I missed you." He asked in confusion. You know he didn't have any clue on what's going on and its been killing you to tell him, but you had enough. Over its over. You stood up and reached for the front door.

"Where are you going, Y/N?" Tristan asked as the other boys looked at you with worried faces.

"I need air." I spoke and stepped out of the room, apparently Brad had followed you as he pulled your wrist on half of the hallways.

"Y/N, what has gotten in to you?" He asked, full of disappointment.

"You.. You're the problem, Brad." I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Brad, i'm in love with you.. All these years, i didn't stop loving you. I thought you love me too, but your new girl showed me the answer." I spoke, voice low as i stop myself from cracking up.

"But, Y/N, I love you too." He smiled weakly but soon faded when i frowned a little more.

"What's the matter?" He peered in.

"You don't have any right to say that." I shooked my head, tears starting welling up in my eyes.

"Why not? I do love you, Y/N. Ever since i first laid eyes on you. Come on, we can make this work, love. I don't care about her now, all i care about is you." He exclaimed wholeheartedly, but i'm letting myself get fooled again. I had enough.

"I'm sorry, Brad. Its too late." I looked at my feet on the ground as he fell silent, speechless on how i rejected him. We're both hurt and the decision i made is just the best for us.

"Baby?" I hear Jessica's voice roams as the ticks of her heels we're coming closer to where we are. I swatted my arm away from his grip and starts walking backwards.

"Goodbye, Brad." I spoke and slowly walked to the exit. I turned around one last time to see Jessica, hovering over him now and kissing his neck.

He looked at me with those sad eyes full of hurt and disappointment. Seeing it is a bad idea making my heart ache, i turned around and kept walking. Never turning back again.

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