Blurb - Horror.

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You were watching a scary movie with your boyfriend, Bradley, when the boys came over and decided to finish watching it with you two

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You were watching a scary movie with your boyfriend, Bradley, when the boys came over and decided to finish watching it with you two.

You were sitting with your legs thrown over Brad's legs on the love-seat while the boys sat on the couch. Throughout the horror film, you would end up more and more on Bradley's lap as the bits of the movie got even scarier.

Near the end of it, Brad had his arms protectively wrapped around your body while your face was buried in his neck.

When the film finally ended, Connor got up to turn on the lights and saw you huddled on Bradley's lap. He laughed and imitated you with Tristan being Brad, saying,

"Help me! This film is so scary," in a high-pitched voice. Brad interrupted their laughed saying,

"Hey, stop making fun of my girlfriend. You were the one getting all cuddle-y and shit with James if I remember correctly." The boys laughed amongst themselves before Connor said,

"We were just picking on her. Didn't mean no harm," smiling at the end of his statement.

He's too cute.

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