Calvin Klein

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Chapter 3: Justin Pov

King Ass👑 6:15 am- Good morning beautiful. Hope you have a 👍day and that everything goes ur way. U deserve to be happy 😀. Good luck on ur Calvin Klein meeting today and remember no rush and no pressure 😏

Ma💕 7:00 am- Awnn bae thxs I was in a really shitty mood until I saw what you texted.

King Ass👑 7:01 am-

Ma💕7:01 am- *dies*

King Ass👑 7:02 am- Send me a pic of you.....😣 Gotta fill my needs.

Ma💕7:03 am- Here with yo nasty ass you need some holy water 💦💦

Jerk off to that perv😚👅

King Ass👑 7:03 am- What the hell😯🙈

Ma💕7:03 am- I luv u💋

King Ass👑 7:04 am- My God Ma Damm can't wait to meet you in person. . .😉

Ma💕7:04 am- U so ugly but I gtg I have to get ready for the Calvin Klein meeting

King Ass👑 7:05 am- Okay😔

Nina Pov

I looked at the tall building as I opened the door and saw the Calvin Klein logo that was on the wall. I couldn't breath I felt so much stress and pressure I was about to faint. Then it was like as if the lord answered my prayers. I saw the Justin Bieber walk through the door. I got tense and started to panicking mentally. He was wearing a black v-neck, a black cardigan, white vans, and a black beanie. I bit the side of my bottom lip. I mean bitch sexy as fuck. I snapped out of it in started to do what I've always practice to do if I meet Justin Bieber Play It Cool! I smiled as he did the same once we got in the elevator we figured out we were going to the same floor as each other. "Here to do a photoshoot?" I asked gaining out the courage to smile and not squeal. "Yeah. How about you." He said smiling at me. I promise you I'm dead right now. "Meeting. " I said getting out my phone.

Ma💕9:05 am- Bish omg guess what bae!!!

I looked at Justin as his phone dinged that was weird....

King Ass👑 9:05 am- What????

I saw him text the person back though I didn't know what it said. As he press send my dinged 2 seconds after.

Ma💕9:06 am- I'm in the elevator with....

I decided to delete it. It didn't take rocket science to notice who might be texting who.

Ma💕9:07 am- Justin. . .

King Ass👑 9:08 am- Yes Ma???

Once he sent it I looked at him as he looked at me as of he texted something he didn't want to.

The elevator doors opened as I glared at him and left. I know he's my idol in all and I should be happy but I'm pissed the fuck off. Like I know he sent me pictures and I know it was pretty dumb of me not to get a hint, but you know how people are these days. I mean Me and him had a full on conversation about JB and he just asked questions like he wasn't even JB so I was like okay then maybe it's not. I don't know. It's just he didn't tell me his name which I do understand a little, but it wasn't like I was gonna go bazaar and tell people or stalk him or something in that sort. I heard him calling my name, but I ignored him. I opened the double doors that led to this huge space with tons of camera stands, huge light panels, an area for waiting with snacks, a king sized bed, clothing rack full Calvin Klein underwear and only some clothing. Just a few minutes after Justin came in and walked towards me. "Nina look I'm sorry." He said grabbing my wrist. "Honestly I have no words. I don't know how to feel or what to say or do. I mean fucking Justin Bieber for crying out loud. When you posted that pic I thought that could've been anyone you know how people are. Ugh I just feel so stupid." I said looking at him as he grabbed my hands. "Your not stupid if anything I should be sorry. I was wrong for not telling you my name and all that other stuff. Please forgive me." He said sadly. He was so cute the way made that pouty face and his lips were plum and batted his eyelashes. I had no choice but to give in. "Okay. U forgive you." I said smiling. "Yes!" He said smiling and picking me up and spinning me around. He put me down and kissed my cheek. " Are you guys ready?" He asked looking at us. " Um I was suppose to have a meeting not this." I said as he looked at me. "Mr. Shiffman told me that you Ms. Johnson is the new face of Calvin Klein along with Mr. Bieber." He said seriously. "Are you serious? Me a model for Calvin Klein. I don't think posting pics on Instagram and getting more than 100 likes is exactly modeling material." I said looking at Justin who was laughing silently to himself. "Come on you got the face and the body." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. "You think so?" I asked looking up at him. "I don't see why not ma." He said smiling.

Justin Pov

After 8 hours of straight up posing it finally came to a end. I walked to the lobby and saw Nina. "Hey what's wrong." I said as she looked at me. "Nothing. It's just my best friend Caroline planned on going away with her family for a vacation which means I have to go back home." She said looking down. "No I won't let you." I said sternly while shaking my head. "Justin honestly I can lock myself in my room." She said giggling. "Okay I'll drive you home." I said smiling. "Really?" She asked pouting. "Yeah. Come on." I smiled wrapping my arm around her waist. As we got in the car she turned on the radio. "OH MY GOD!!!!" She squealed. " I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up, pick it up Pick it up, pick it up (up up up)
And never say never (ne-never say never) (Ne-never say never)
(Ne-never say never) Never say it, never, never say it. . ." She sang. "I love that song." She said smiling at me. The next song that came on was Hands To Myself . I could tell she listened to this song over and over again she knew every lyric to the song. "Justin you just passed my house." She said looking back at it out the window. "I know I said I won't let you go back to that house." I said grasping the starring wheel harder. We only drove about 10 minutes until we got to my house. "Now you can brag about how you live 10 minutes away from Justin Bieber and how you stayed at his house." I laughed slightly. "Wow its even bigger in person." She said looking at my house as I let her out the car. "Anyway so what now?" She said smiling. "Now you can pick a room and treat this house as if it was your home." I said walking her down the hallway.

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