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Chapter 48: Justin Pov

I sat down in the waiting area crying my eyes out. If I loose her I swear to god I'm killing myself. I couldn't live without her she's my everything and now that the baby is gone I promise I can't deal. "Justin I heard about what happened Chris told me then Zayn." I said as Hailey walked up. The only thing that Arriana said before she passed out again was Hailey. "You have some nerve you narcissistic hoe." I growled as I pushed Hailey to the wall. I tightened my hand around her throat until she couldn't breathe. "Sir! Sir! Get off her now!" A woman yelled pushing me out the way. "Get off her she's a murderer she pushed my girlfriend off the balcony and who knows if the baby or her might not survive. I promise you if either one of them dies I swear I will find you and I will kill you. As far as I'm concerned we're not even associates." I said as she the woman lead her out the hospital. "Mr. Bieber?" A man called as I looked up. "This is he." I said as he walked towards me. "The good news is the babies did survive I would personally call it a miracle considering the wau she landed. Unfortunately the bad news is that Ms. Johnson is in a coma." He said looking at me as I sighed. "Can I see it." I asked as the doctor led me to baby. I walked in the room filled with babies. "Wait....did you say babies?" I asked looking at him as he nodded while smiling. "One boy and one girl." He said walking towards them. "So what's their names?" He asked. "Jason and Aria." I said as my voice cracked. Tears fell down my eyes as the thought of me actually having babies who were suppose to be dead, but is healthy and alive. Slightly thanking god I heard a whimper, but it was from a baby. "What to hold her." He asked looking at me as I shook my head. As I held her in my arms more tears streamed down. Putting her back down I thought about Arriana. "She's gonna be okay right....Arriana?" I asked looking at him as he sighed. "We tried doing everything we can even got the best doctors in the U.S. now it's up to her if wants to wake up or not." He said as I sighed.

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