Happy Birthday *Part 2*

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Chapter 10: Justin Pov

"Hails Nina is my girlfriend I-I do-don't know if shooould." I said looking at Hailey. My vision was blurry and my words were slurred. I tried to keep my balance so I put my arm around Hailey's waist to keep from falling. "Come on you can do it. I mean we're just friends right." She said putting her hand around my back. "1....2....3....." She said as her lips pressed against mine. I put my arm up as I she did also. I pushed her away thinking of Nina. "I have a girlfriend and that's Nina an-nd s-she's t-the one I should be kis-kissing her not y-you." I said backing away from her. Trying to find Arriana I couldn't. "Where's Arriana?" I asked Kylie as she rolled her eyes. "She doesn't want to talk to you." She said looking me up and down. I saw Nina sitting next to Kendall who was cheering her up. "Nina look I'm sorry please." I said basically getting on my knees. She pulled away from Kendall as everyone was looking at us. She walked up to me shook her head slightly. "Well it's a little to late to say sorry. Justin." Nina said glaring at Hailey who was walked towards me. "I guess I deserve that, but look she was the one who pressured me into kissing her." I said trying to grab her hands, but she moved them away. "So her pressuring you only takes a look and a sentence or two?" She asked folding her arms. "Babe come on I was drunk and I'm basically still am, but I pulled away cause of you cause I love you." I said feeling tears coming to my eyes. I love her and loosing her would bring the worst out of me. "Drunk? Being drunk doesn't make you do something you know you don't want to do because you still fight it. Being drunk just makes the things you want to do easier. So evidently you wanted to kiss her anyway. Just admit. Me being your girlfriend or not. Just admit you've been dying to do so!" She yelled getting annoyed. I didn't answer cause part of me did want to kiss her and stuff, but I wouldn't see me with her. I love Nina, and I didn't want to let her go. "I love you Nina and only you." I said smiling.

Your avoiding my question." She said gritting her teeth. I looked down as she stepped closer to me. I looked at her as she stared at me. If looks could I would be dead. As soon as her hand came in contact with my jaw I felt a sharp pain as my face turned. "Goodbye Justin." She said walking off. Everybody looked at me as the music stopped. I looked at Hailey as she slightly smiled. I groaned and stormed out the building looking for Nina, but I already saw her car drive off. I looked at the nearest wall and slammed my fist into. Sliding down the stone cold wall all I can think about Nina. She was different and not in that same old (she's different) kinda way, but she was truly different. I can't let her go this easy she will be mine again.

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