Dinning with Demons

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Chapter 6: Justin Pov

I quickly walked up the stairs and rung the doorbell. The doors open swung open revealing Nina. Damn she looks good. "You look amazing." I said kissing her cheek while pulling her into a hug. "You don't look bad yourself Bieber." She smiled and walked me into the house. This house was huge. She guided me to the dinning room as we sat by each other her mom and step-dad were on the opposite side. "Nice to finally meet you Justin I'm Walter." He said smiling slightly. "Rosa." Her mom said looking at me then at Nina. "So you're the guy Nina have been talking about." Rosa said smiling at me weirdly but mostly fake smiling. "Yes ma'am." I said said returning her a smile back. "I also listening to alot of your mostly cause I have no choice since Nina likes to blast that crap so loud from her room. I mean it gets annoying sometimes." Rosa said playfully rolling her eyes or at least I thought. "Did she just call my music crap and annoying." I asked whispering into Nina's ear.

Ma💕6:30 pm- She doesn't like u that much but my step dad doesn't like u at all, but I got ur back

I swallowed hard and stared at the food that was on my plate. They don't like, but why they don't even know me. "Exactly what is your point of view of this that happened the year before last. I mean I know there's many versions of this story and you just can't judge without knowing what really happened." Walter said looking at me. I extremely hate when people bring up my past like I know it was awful and the things I did weren't pleasing, and I'm not proud of it either. "You have to answer that." Nina said grabbing my hand under the table. "I mean you claimed you've changed so you wouldn't have a problem answering my question. Right?" Walter said slightly smirking. Thinking of all the things I did made me depressed and it made feel as if no one cares about the person I've become except my beliebers. "Can you not! Can't you see this is making him uncomfortable!" Nina yelled slightly. "Nina dear I wasn't talking to you." Walter said staring directly at me. "Kitchen now!" Rosa said gritting her teeth. Walter got up as Rosa made her way to the kitchen. "We can leave if you want to I mean who cares what they think. I mean my actual dad likes you so fuck them." Nina said turning towards me. "I wanna answer the question." I said looking at Nina. "Jus..." She started to say but I cut her off. "No I want show him that he can't just up say whatever he wants to me like that or better yet talk to you like that." I said getting up. Arriana got up also and walked towards the door. "Leaving so soon?" Rosa asked sadly. "Yeah we have things to do." I said smiling. "What kinda of things?" Waltwr asked frowning. "None of your business. And to answer your question. I know what I did in the past wasn't wise and I don't support the decisions I made either. But I have changed rather you both believe or not, because I need you approval. Now as for Nina don't speak to her that way she deserves respect from a guy who claims to be a man, and threatening her I wish you would do it again. Lay a finger on her in any kinda dangerous way I'll fuck you up and that's a promise." I said angrily. Turning to Nina who was smiling I smiled also. "Nice to meet you too Mrs. And Mr. Harvey. Now we can go." I said smirked while opening the door and leaving.

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