Miles Apart

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Chapter 18: Justin Pov
*2 weeks past*

Mami💕1:02 pm- So how's the tour

Justy💘1:03 pm- It could be better😐

Mami💕1:03 pm- Idk how to deal with this😢

Justy💘1:03 pm- Look about the whole loosing the baby thing it's going to be ok just give it some time you know. I know I'm on tour and I'm not going to be there but we can make it through this ok

Mami💕1:03 pm- Kk

Justy💘1:04 pm- What's my baby girl doing???

Mami💕1:04 pm- I'm going to dance practice

Justy💘1:07 pm- U dance u should've told me u could've been my back up dancer

Mami💕1:08 pm- Hell no😂 I'm not that good

Justy💘1:08 pm- Don't doubt urself babe

Mami💕1:08 pm- Apparently not better then her

Justy💘1:09 pm- Nina please don't go there u know it's not like that

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Justy💘1:09 pm- Nina please don't go there u know it's not like that

Mami💕1:09 pm- I'm not but I'm like seriously nervous

Justy💘1:09 pm- Why

Mami💕1:09 pm- Cause finally after a month of practicing me and these other 3 girls have to present our Choreography today and like they got a price for the winner but idk what it is

Justy💘1:09 pm- What's the song

Mami💕1:10 pm- Sorry duhhh

Justy💘1:10 pm- ☺I believe in u

Mami💕1:10 pm- we go up in 5 mins

Justy💘1:11 pm- breathe in and out u got this Ma

Mami💕1:15 pm- Thxs here I go 😆😨


Mami💕5:05 pm- Bae

Mami💕5:05 pm- Justy

Mami💕5:05 pm- Justin

Mami💕5:06 pm- Bitch

Mami💕5:06 pm- Hoe

Justy💘5:07 pm- Who the fuck is this
Mami💕5:07 pm- Who the fuck is this who the fuck r u

Justy💘5:07 pm- Look Justin is in the shower but I'll tell him u texted

Mami💕5:07 pm- Seriously who the fuck r u

Justy💘5:08 pm- None of ur business who r u

Mami💕5:08 pm- His girlfriend n I really don't like the fact that ur in his hotel room

Justy💘5:08 pm- N idc bye

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