No More Chances

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Chapter 23: Nina

I nearly fainted due to the loss of energy after the photoshoot. Getting in the truck I turned on the radio and Wrist by: Chris Brown was on. It was at least an hour or 30 minutes until I got the house. As I unlocked the door to Justin's house I smiled not being able to wait any longer. "Justin where are you I have to tell you..." I said slowly walking into the living room. Soon my heart felt as if it was being ripped out my chest. I saw Hailey on top of him both of them basically swallowing each other. "Nina I'm so..." he started to stay until I stopped him. "Sorry right your so sorry is that right. Though you did more than once your sorry. You keep hurting me over and over and over again and all's you have to say is that your so sorry?" I asked as tears ran down my cheeks. "Damn it Justin sometimes sorry isn't going to cut it. You knew from the beginning even before we started texting you knew I didn't like that bitch, but you still fucked around with her and her shit. I honestly could care less if she's your friend. You don't kiss your friends like you would kiss your girlfriend! No what fuck you both!" I yelled in annoyance. Hailey got off of Justin as he tried to walk towards me while putting back on his shirt. "Look Nina really it was nothing." Hailey said beating Justin to me. "Of course you would say that. First time you watch him get drunk and decided to take advantage of him and kiss him! Your such a fucking bitch you can't stand to see Justin happy with someone who's not you. So you say whatever bull shit you, but I could give less than 2 shits." I said glaring at her. "Nina!" Justin yelled trying to defend Hailey. "And this is where you come in defending the bitch who just destroyed your relationship." I said rolling my eyes. "Just destroyed what do you mean?" He asked looking at me then at Hailey. "I mean I'm done. As in I'm done being your girlfriend. I can't do this anymore." I said walking towards the door about to leave, but something caught my wrist. "Please don't." He said praticaly falling to his knees. "I'm sorry you should've thought about that." I said said opening the door. "Stay please I need." He yelled as I walked out the door. And with that I drove off feeling every once of pain wash over my body.

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