False Alarm.....Not

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Chapter 17: Justin Pov

Justy💘3:24 am- Hey babe how r u

Mami💕3:25 am- I feel awful n my stomach hurts I feel like I'm gonna throw up😳

Justy💘3:25 am- Want me to come over😕

Mami💕3:26 am- Nah thts fine I'll manage

Justy💘3:27 am- R u sure

Mami💕3:27 am- Positive I'm just about to go to sleep

Justy💘3:27 am- Ok call me later today then around 8 or 10 ok I'm worried about u

Mami💕3:28 am- later

Justy💘3:28 am- Ok


Mami💕9:29 am- Justin???

Justy💘9:29 am- Yes u ok

Mami💕9:29 am- Idk

Justy💘9:30 am- Wdym

Mami💕9:33 am-

Justy💘9:34 am- Omg

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Justy💘9:34 am- Omg

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