Dinner with the Harveys

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Chapter 16: Justin Pov

I walked to her bedroom and saw her nowhere in sight. "I'm in here." She said peeping her head out the closet door. I walked towards the closet and saw her angrily going through her clothes. One outfit particular caught my eye. While she wasn't looking I put the outfit together and I will admit I have style. "How about this." I smirked as she smiled. "Have I ever told you I love you." She said wrapping her arms around me. "Come on try it on." I said handing her the outfit. Once she same out I smiled. "You look amazing." I said hugging her from behind. "Thank You." She said kissing my cheek.

*Nina's outfit*

*Nina's outfit*

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"So Justin how's your back." Rosa asked handing me a bowl of pasta. "What?" I asked confusingly. I mean my back still burns sometimes cause of when Nina scratched it. "Your back when you came here you flinched when Walter pat you on your back. So I was wondering if you're okay." Rosa said taking a seat next to Walter. The bell rung basically breaking the silence. I looked at Nina as she cleared her throat. "Johnathan is here." Nina smiled while getting up to get the door.  Nina came back to sit down looking pissed as ever. "Everybody this is Hailey." Johnathan said smiling as he walked in. Hailey sat next to Nina as Johnathan sat by Hailey. "Megan pass the salt." Nina said staring at Megan. She slid the salt down the table as Nina got it. I looked at Nina who was basically flooding her Salad with salt. "Honey I think that's enough." Walter said looking at me signaling me to grab it so I did. She glared at me and shook her head. "What's wrong Nina." Hailey said smiling. "Your the problem bitch. You're like this infection that just won't go away."  Nina said trying to hold back her anger. "Well I'm sorry you think of me like that, but we're going to have to settle this considering I am going to be your sister-in-law." Hailey said looking at Johnathan who was smirking. Nina stared at her plate as she tried to get up, but I put my hand on her upper thigh. She looked at me oddly as I smirked. Since she was scooted up to the table I'm sure no one could see. I placed my hand on her panties as she gasped. "You okay sweetie?" Rosa asked Nina as she nodded. Putting my two fingers on her cl*t rubbing slowly. She bit the side of her bottom lip and closed her eyes. "Honey are you sure everything is fine." Walter asked looking me as I shrugged. "I think she's really happy." I said rubbing even faster. She started to whimper as I smirked. "Awl Honey it's okay." Walter said smiling. Her legs started to slightly tremble so I stopped. "You okay?" I asked as she smiled at me. "You so..." She started to say, but Hailey looked at me. "About that Birthday thing I'm really sorry." Hailey said as Nina looked at me and sighed. "Honestly Hailey it's okay." Nina said putting on a fake smile. "I mean I'm just glad we stopped in time for your sake." Hailey said looking at at me. "Shut up." Nina said holding her hands together. "I'm sorry, but I can't control the feelings he has for me isn't that right Jay." She said winking at me. "You bitch!" Nina yelled standing. Hailey stood up as well and smirked. Out of no where Nina tackled Hailey to the ground. I got up quickly and tried to pull Nina off of Hailey. Instead, her fist came in contact with my nose and next thing you know everything went black.

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