Fuck It

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Chapter 29: Justin Pov

*323-652-4991* 1:23 am-

Ik u want this Ma it's all urs nobody else

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Ik u want this Ma it's all urs nobody else

Mami💕1:25 am- Goodbye

*323-652-4991* 1:25 am- U know u want this 🍆stop acting extra

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*323-652-4991* 1:25 am- U know u want this 🍆stop acting extra

Mami💕1:25 am- The door🚪

*323-652-4991* 1:26 am- Fuck me first

Mami💕1:26 am- God ur nasty

*323-652-4991*1:26 am- Exactly how u like it

*323-652-4991*1:26 am- Exactly how u like it

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Mami💕1:26 am- Fuck it I'm done

*323-652-4991*1:27 am- And I'm omw

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