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Chapter 40:Justin Pov

Once I walked into the airport I saw thousands of flashing lights. Then I saw this girl who was pushing through the crowd. "Come on people it was a year ago!" the girl exclaimed then turned around nearly bumping into me. "Justin." She said hesitantly while clearing her throat. "Nina." I said worried and slightly upset. "H-How are you?" I asked smiling as she gave me a smile in return. "I'm good, you?" She asked walking towards the seats. "Umm fine. By the way I figured out that you were right I didn't know what I wanted, but then when I heard that you were leaving I realized I lost the best thing that ever happened to me in 4 years." I said as she looked at me cautiously. "Justin part of me really wants me to believe you, but the part can't because you hurt me so badly. I just down know if I'm ready to let you back in. Sorry." She said then getting up and walking away. "I really hope we could be friends though." She smiled and walked away Friends? Friends? I can't be friends with that's pure torture.

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