Trust & Conflict

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Chapter 35: Nina Pov

"JUSTIN I'MMA USE YOUR PHONE MINE DIED!" I yelled as he said okay though I could barely hear him confusingly he was in the shower. As I got on his phone he got a notification saying 2 messages. It took everything I had not to look but I couldn't. Instead of clicking the message appeared.

Sel💋12:45 am- U know this is wat u really want

Sel💋12:34 am- Plus we both know tht u luv me more bur she'll be crushed once she finds out you've been wt me the whole time in Bora Bora and on tour

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Sel💋12:34 am- Plus we both know tht u luv me more bur she'll be crushed once she finds out you've been wt me the whole time in Bora Bora and on tour.

I felt tears run down my cheeks as Justin came out. "What's wrong?" He asked coming closer to me. "I warned you. I told that she would ruin our relationship, but you said she wouldn't. Well she just did consider us officially over. For real this time." I said getting my cloths. As I put my cloths on Justin went on and on on how he was sorry, but of course we all heard that before. I walked out the room and immediately started to break as is went downstairs and out the door.

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