20. Time Has A Way Of Changing Things

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20. Time Has A Way Of Changing Things

Sky returned to the gathering of the elites at the country club and from the moment that she entered the room, she felt the burn of disapproving eyes on her. All of them were people with a lot of money, but terrible principles. They only cared about money, and people with money as long as they continued to have it. The elites were more like a gathering of fake friends. They would be willing to betray anyone at their convenience. 

Her twin sister, who had attended the party with Jason, cut the distance between them. She had been in a corner of the room, keeping a low profile because she was sure her father wouldn't want her there. She was a delinquent from one of the Locke schools like Beau and his friends. Amy and Jason had watched everything, delighted that her sister's relationship hadn't worked out. The smirk on her face was unmistakable as she spoke. "That was quite a show, Annie." She taunted with the nickname Beau had given her sister. "Where's your boyfriend?" She added the question.

With a roll of her eyes, Sky replied, "Piss off, Amy."

There was clear amusement on her sister's face. "You were stupid to think dad would accept Beau. His own dad doesn't accept him."

Sky ignored the comment and walked away, in the direction of where her father was talking to a group of rich people. They were having conversations about their many businesses when Sky walked up. Their conversations ceased and their eyes were attentively on her. They had all witnessed what had happened with Beau, but none of them knew that she had already broken up with him. All around them were workers of the country club, cleaning up the mess that Beau had left. The rest of the elites had gone back to their conversations as though nothing had happened.

"Where's your boyfriend, darling?" Her father asked, looking past her to look around the room for Beau.

The blonde haired young woman sighed, "We broke up, dad. I'm going to call someone to get me home." 

She got her cellphone out of her pocket and called for one of the drivers at her house. Beau was long gone, after clearly having been hurt by her words. Now that she had some time to cool off, she felt like she had been a bit harsh, but that didn't mean she hadn't meant what she said. It was clear that he was never going to change. He had been exposed to the life of a delinquent for too long, and thought he was from a wealthy family, there was no changing who he really was. Sky was sure she would not be able to continue in a relationship like that for too long.


Beau returned home in the afternoon after leaving Sky at the country club with all the other rich people. He didn't want to leave her without a ride back home, but she wanted nothing to do with him after the incident in which he trashed the party where the elites were talking. 

He entered his house and went straight to his bedroom. Luke had been out with Lilliam that day and Gina knew Beau would be out with Sky. When she had found out she was taking him to the country club, Gina didn't have such a great feeling about it. She knew the way the elites acted, and she knew that they weren't so accepting of newcomers, much less when they knew they weren't of the same social status as them. Gina knew something was wrong when her oldest son went straight to his room without saying a word to her.

Normally he would greet her and they would talk for a bit, but the fact that he had gone straight to his room made his mum aware that something wasn't right. 

Gina knew her ex-husband and father of her three sons--Michael Smith-- was going to be there. Getting her cellphone out of her pocket, she called the one person she hadn't talked to in years. She only had his phone number saved in her contacts in case Jai wasn't picking up his phone. There were a few rings from the other line and almost immediately she got an answer from her former husband. He had been surprised that she called him, but there was something in his voice that told her he was rather glad to hear her voice. "Gina?" He started, a bit puzzled. But that confusion quickly became something of a smile. "You never call me anymore. Is something wrong?"

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