21. A One Year Trip

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21. A One Year Trip

With the promise that his dad would help him become a better person and leave the delinquent life behind, Beau moved in with his father at his upscale mansion in Melbourne. His second wife Victoria, and her daughter Ashley weren't too pleased about the idea. The last thing they wanted was for people to know that they had a delinquent living in their house. Jai was a bit more neutral to the fact that his brother was moving in. They definitely had the space for him to live there, and Beau certainly looked like he wanted to change.

But in the time that he had known Lilliam Pierce, his brother's girlfriend, he had come to realize that being rich wasn't everything. All the rich people he knew were cold hearted and mean, while people like his mother who didn't have much, were humble and nice.

Ashley and Victoria complained to Michael about his son to no avail. Beau was doing nothing to bother him, and he wanted to help his son. He was mostly doing it because Gina had asked him to, and because he felt genuinely bad about having rejected his son in front of all his rich friends. 

His preparation for Europe took a couple of days. Michael had gotten stylists to come to his house and get the pink color out of Beau's fringe. They had gone out to get him presentable clothes that he would have to wear at all times; all of which was clothes with long sleeves and blazers to hide the fact that he was tattooed all over. For the last part of his preparation plan, he hired a woman who would teach him to speak properly, the way the other rich people talked to each other. It had been a difficult few days of changes to Beau until they finally reached their objective. He was finally ready to leave Melbourne for an entire year.

When Beau told Gina that he was leaving, she was very upset, but she knew it was for the best. She wanted her sons to be successful in life, but they would get nowhere by being Locke school delinquents. They needed their father's help.

She was made even more upset when he told her that he would be leaving for England for a year, and that upon returning, he would be staying with his father. He was making a final trip to take his things from Gina's house when Lilliam was visiting Luke and she spotted him. Beau was placing some luggage in the trunk of his car, and she almost hadn't recognized him apart from the fact that she knew that was his car. He was dressed in fancy clothing, like the kind her parents wore, and he had left behind the tanks and skinny jeans he used to like wearing.

"Hey Beau." She called cheerfully from the front porch where she was sitting with Luke.

Beau took one look at her and waved back, but his demeanor was not as friendly as it used to be. "Hey Lilliam." He greeted her back.

Luke rolled his eyes at his brother as he explained, "Beau moved in with dad last week and they taught him how to be an elite again. Now he thinks he's better than me and mum." Calling more loudly, he added, "Well, we don't fucking need you, traitor. You're just like Jai." The delinquent boy with the bright blue streak on his fringe had vowed that he would never leave his mother's side, especially not for money. He preferred to be a lowly delinquent all his life instead of the type of person who would deny a son just because he wasn't an elite like him.

Beau ignored his brother and closed the trunk on his car, climbing into the driver's seat and taking off.

"Is he doing all of this for Sky?" Lilliam wondered, watching as his car disappeared down the street. She had heard about the break up, from Jason mostly, Sky hadn't talked to her since then. She was locked up in her room and refused to see or talk to anyone.

With a nod of his head, Luke replied, "After your friend savagely broke up with him, he went to ask dad for help. And dad said he would help him on the condition that he had to leave Melbourne for a year, to deal with some business he has in England. I think he just wants him to start fresh in a place where no one will know or care that he went to a Locke school."

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