15. Ibiza Ep. 6: The Twin

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Yaay, I'm actually keeping up with my updates schedule!

Anyway, thank you for all the support.

I have uploaded a new 5SOS fanfiction called Dear Prudence and it would mean so much to me if you all could check it out.

Thank you.




It had been a few days since the sleepover party with all the girls.

When Sky woke up in the morning, there was a slight fear in the pit of her stomach. She didn't know what it was, but somehow she knew something was going to go wrong.

She got out of bed in her silk nightgown and left the room, walking down the hallway. Her finger ran over her blonde hair absently. As she walked past the living room and into the kitchen, her eyes searched for her pink streaked delinquent boy.

She was surprised to see he was not there.

Upon entering the kitchen, she saw there was a note addressed to her on the counter.

It read: Good morning, Angel. We don't have any more food in the fridge so the boys and I are going to buy some. Love, Beau.

Sky shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I'll hang out with Lilliam."





The two girls were in Lilliam's suite, along with Savannah who joined them after she woke up to see James had gone out with the other boys.

Lilliam brought her pink laptop out and she said to Sky, "I got an email from school this morning."

"What did it say?" The blonde asked.

"Have you checked yours?" Lilliam responded to the question with a question of her own.

Now being curious, Sky pulled her cellphone out of her pocket and slid her finger across the screen to unlock it. She scrolled through her phone until she found her emails. There was an email from the school, she opened it and read it.

Anakin Walker,

This email has been sent to you in order to inform you and congratulate you for gaining the majority votes. You have been chosen by popular decision as the Vice President of Elite Way Academy High School for the 2012-2013 school year.

Her phone fell out of her hands in surprise after reading the email.

Lilliam watched her friend with concern on her face. Her small hand was placed on her best friend's shoulder and she asked Sky, "What did it say...? Oh no, was it bad news?" she assumed by seeing the shock on Sky's face.

Sky knelt down slowly to pick up her phone, a smile making an appearance on her face. "I...was voted class VP!" She announced proudly.

"I'm so happy for you!" Lilliam grinned widely.

The two girls embraced for a long time. When they pulled away, Sky looked at her best friend. She asked, "What about you? Did you get the position as our President?"

Lilliam nodded, "Yes!"

Savannah scoffed. "Its not such a huge deal."

Placing her hands on her hips, Sky replied to the freshman. "Maybe not to you, but to us...it means so much. We're the future leaders of Melbourne. This is the first step to success. Someday you'll understand what we mean."

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