7. Threats & Alliances

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New chapter for Melbourne Elites because today is Saturday :D

Thank you so much for all the support you've given me and thank you for almost getting this story to 2K reads! I am so thankful for that, really.

Don't forget to read, comment, vote & share!

Also, I want to write some one shots. So please, if you want one, go apply in the book titled 'One Shots' and I will write it as soon as possible. Please request one. I have like two already written, but I want some of you to request them so I can feel like they're important. 

Thank you!




When Cade Walker walked past the threshold after opening the front door to his three story mansion in the heart of Melbourne, he heaved a sigh of relief. Yet another day of tedious meetings and preparations for a new video game Lucasarts was planning to unleash in the upcoming months.

Cade was in his early forties, with bronze hair he combed back neatly, cream colored skin tone that lacked a tan due to countless hours working behind a desk, ice blue eyes just like his two daughters, and a tall stature and muscular build despite not getting much exercise during the weekdays.

As today was a day he'd be home early, he knew his beautiful wife and elite kids were going to be there to join him for dinner.

He dreaded having to see Amidala, who was the black sheep of his family.

Little did he know he was going to get an even bigger surprise than he expected.

Making his way down the hallway, he prepared himself to endure whatever was to come. He knew his daughter Amidala probably despised him and the rest of the family, he had been only in his thirties and not thinking straight when he decided to send her away.

Sky's face lit up when he entered the dining room. "I'm so glad you're here, dad. I want you to meet someone."

Cade, who was looking down at the ground, unable to face his other daughter who he hadn't seen in almost ten years, finally lifted his gaze. His eyes widened at the sight of two young men joining them for dinner. Both looked from completely opposite worlds. One looked wealthy and well dressed, while the other looked like he belonged to a lower social class. Cade opted to ignore the other, while he gushed at seeing the elite boy.

"Who is this?" He asked Sky, his favorite daughter, as he sat at the head of the table.

The maids who had been waiting his arrival rushed into the kitchen to bring the food out. Sky clapped her hands together happily, as she explained, "His name is Jason Ferguson."

"Ferguson? Are those the same Fergusons that run the bank? Or the ones who own the vineyards?" Her father asked, completely intrigued.

Jason answered for her. "My family runs National Australia Banks, sir."

"Splendid!" Mr. Walker grinned. Then he turned towards Beau. Without beating around the bush, he asked, "And what name have you brought to the table? Which company do you plan to represent someday? Impress me." His facial expression was meant to mock Beau. He didn't actually think he was a wealthy heir to an important company. As he waited for an answer, the maids were already making their way around the dinner table, serving food for everyone.

"Well actually, Mr. Walker," Beau began, his tone unreadable, "My father owns Orion Electronics. But I'm not his heir, he doesn't care about me or my other brother. I'm my mother's kid, not his."

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