6. The Boyfriends

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Today is Tuesday which means there is a new chapter for you all :D

I hope you enjoy it. 

I also want to thank you all for the support. For those of you who asked to be put in the story, next chapter is when the first appearances will be, so stay tuned for that.

I cannot thank you enough for supporting me.

Don't forget to read, vote, comment, & share!




The next day at school, Sky was in a bad mood.

She was normally short tempered and mean to people on a regular basis, but on this occasion, she didn't hold back when speaking to anyone.

Her sister Amy had spent time with the delinquents, arriving home near midnight.

Beau sent her texts, trying to talk to her, but she didn't respond. After all, it wasn't something she normally did. She wasn't the type of girl who befriended delinquents and she wasn't going to start now.

On their lunch break, she headed with her group of friends to their usual table in the foyer. After picking up something to snack on, they began casual conversation.

It was the usual chatter about politics and student council related things.

Eventually, Sky noted, "We need to add a new member to our three person clique."

"Why do you think so?" Lilliam was intrigued by the peculiarity of her friend's sudden suggestion.

Jason nodded, agreeing with Sky. "Ashley's gaining more popularity around here ever since she snagged Jaidon from us."

Lilliam laughed, "You two act like being popular is everything."

"Well of course you can say that." Sky pointed out. "You were president and are likely to be elected again, everyone at Elite Way already loves you. You've been the most popular elite around here ever since pre-school."

"Maybe you should try being nice to people. It really goes a long way and is generally good manners." Lilliam commented as she sunk her fork into her Caesar Salad that sat in front of her on the lunch tray.

"Being nice never works out for me." Sky replied.

As she brought the fork full of salad to her lips, Lilliam added, "You have heavy blood."

Sky cocked an eyebrow at her. "Heavy blood?"

"Yeah," Lilliam nodded, "My mum says that people with heavy blood tend to be meaner and short tempered than most people and are sometimes not well liked."

"Sky must have very heavy blood then." Jason joked.

Sky shrugged her shoulders. "What can I say? Its probably true."

"Do you really think we think we need a fourth musketeer?" Lilliam asked.

Sky nodded. "And I know just the person."


In the afternoon, after the student council meetings, Sky walked with Lilliam and Jason to the car park as they usually did.

As had been happening the past few days, Luke was already there waiting for Lilliam with open arms and a huge smile on his face.

Sky wasn't too fond of him.

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