10. Ibiza Ep. 1: Sleepwalk

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Pretty short chapter, but I hope you all enjoy reading it. 

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Just as Sky said to him, she went to sleep in the bedroom, on the comfortable king sized bed while he was forced to sleep on the couch.

He didn't mind.

He was content to be in the same suite as her. He couldn't fall asleep and tossed and turned restlessly until he found a comfortable spot which allowed him to stare up at the ceiling. He let out a sigh.

There was a long period of silence in which the only sound heard through the hotel suite were waves crashing onto the shore on the beach that was only a few yards away.

The pitter patter of feet on tile caught his attention. They were faint and slow at first, but then they got louder. He sat up on his couch to see the blonde haired girl in a white night gown that made her look like an angelic figure. Her blue eyes were closed and her arms hung loosely at her sides, yet she walked like she knew exactly where she was going.

"Annie?" He called out to her.

"I...need to tell him..." She said, although her voice was barely audible.

He asked, confused, "Tell who? What?"

"Beau..." She continued walking until she bumped herself on the back end of the couch.

"I'm here." He whispered, "What do I need to know, Annie?"

Using her hands as a guide, she felt her way around the couch slowly. She took a step forward and tripped on the arm rest, causing her to tumble forward and fall on Beau. He caught her in his arms and winced slightly when her elbow came into contact with his chest on the way down.

"I'm...sorry I treat you like crap." She said, resting her head on his chest.

He kissed her forehead tenderly and let a warm smile form on his lips, "I know that's just your way. I know you love me like I love you."

"Mm..." A soft smile graced her lips as she snuggled into him. For a second, she pulled back slightly and both her hands went to touch his face with her soft touch. They roamed across the ends of his hair, the outline of his eyebrows and his chiseled cheekbones.

When she settled back against him, his strong arms went to wrap around her and he said, "I wish you could act like this with me all the time." He grinned, feeling his eyes beginning to close slowly.

She raised a delicate hand and touched his lips with her index finger. It was a feather light touch that sent a shiver up his spine. She whispered, "Shh...Don't...don't talk...just sleep with me. I'm...tired."

"Okay." He replied.

Then he drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Sky shifted uncomfortably under something that felt warm to her touch and not at all like the fluffy king sized mattress she'd gone to sleep in the night before.

Her blue eyes watered over when she let out a yawn.

When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find a teenaged delinquent boy lying underneath her with his arms wrapped securely around her waist. He was fast asleep, not having yet been shaken awake by her movements.

She propped herself up on her elbows to look down at him.

"Beau." She called softly, trying to get him awake.

There was no answer from him.

She tried again, "Beau..."

He sighed deeply, his eyes opened a few seconds later and a smile formed on his lips when he saw her. "Goodmorning, Annie."

"What am I doing here?" She asked him.

"I should be asking you the same thing." He joked.

She didn't seem to be amused by his comment. "I'm being serious. Did you bring me here? You fucking pervert." Her eyes narrowed at him in a questioning stare.

"I'm the pervert? You're the one who came to me and started touching me all over." He smirked.

"And you were thrilled, weren't you?" She glared, feeling a burn on her face as her cheeks reddened. "Oh God, this is so embarrassing. I thought I'd stopped sleepwalking a long time ago." She muttered under her breath.

"I was thrilled, actually." He admitted.

She nodded, "Alright, well kindly remove your arms from around me. I'm going to make some breakfast,"

"For us?" He asked, perked up.

He pulled his arms away from her and she got up in an instant. Smoothing out her white satin night gown, she turned on her heel and headed for the kitchen. Beau sat up on the couch to watch her. She hurried to the fridge and took out the basics for breakfast: eggs, bacon, hash brown, and went to the cupboards where they had all sorts of items. From there she grabbed pancake mix and started cooking.

She poured some oil on the skillet and started with the eggs.

Meanwhile, Beau got up from his spot on the couch and was determined to help with breakfast. He took a few steps across the tiled floor to go to the kitchen section of the hotel suite.

He walked up behind Sky, taking a whiff of the eggs as he simultaneously wrapped his arms around her waist, making her jump slightly in surprise. "That smells really good, my beautiful wife." He grinned, placing a delicate kiss on the exposed skin of her shoulder.

"We're not married." She stated.

"Then why do we have the honeymoon suite, hm?" He asked her. She didn't have to look at him to know he was wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Because," She began, "Your sister Lilliam Pierce, who seems to have forgotten I am her best friend because she keeps ruining my life, thought it would be a brilliant idea to set us up together. Well her plan backfired." Sky announced victoriously, "And let go of me or I'll burn you with my skillet."

His arms let go of her in an instant. "I'll just go get started on the pancakes."

"Do you even know how to cook?" She cocked an eyebrow at him, turning her head in his direction.

"Babe, when you taste the pancakes I'm making, you'll fall even deeper in love with me." He declared confidently.

She laughed, but found it surprising that she was genuinely laughing and having a nice time with him. "Are you always this funny? Or is this your way of trying to win me over? Because all its doing is making me laugh."

"Its not my fault you love my sense of humor." He shrugged with a grin.

"You're melting my stone cold heart." She joked, making a lovey-dovey face at him before a giggle escaped her lips.

But then, she couldn't help but think that maybe that statement was true.

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