17. Ibiza Ep. 8: Airplanes

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Sorry I took forever to update this and Simply Seeing Double. I fell into a writer's block with both, but I feel like my block with this story is over.

This chapter will feature Luke and Lilliam, so if you love them, ship them, you will enjoy this chapter.

What should be their couple name though? They both have names that start with the letter L.

Comment what their ship name should be in the comment section.

Thank you for the support.




Savannah and her newborn baby Jude were released from the hospital a couple of days later and the teens all decided it was about time to head back to Australia.

Sky was in her room, Beau was with James, helping with the baby.

It was a job that required adults, but since none of them were completely capable of handling the job, they decided to tackle it in a group effort. Sky completely decided to stay out of it. Sure she loved Savannah. She knew her from the moment she was born.

But Sky wasn't going to do her job for her.

She said it to Lilliam several times.

In order for her to mature, she needed to do it on her own, with only the help of James.

If people continued to help her with it, she would continue acting like a child. That was a luxury and priviledge Savannah wasn't allowed to have anymore.

But no one listened to Sky because she always suggested 'the most extreme' of plans.

She removed all the clothes from her drawers and packed them neatly in her luggage. They were set to travel the next morning and being carefully organized as she was, she wanted to make sure she forgot nothing.

When she heard the doorbell ring, her face contorted in confusion. "Beau has his own key." She told herself.

She assumed it was Lilliam.

But when she opened the door, she was unpleasantly surprised.

"Amidala." Sky said bitterly.

"Anakin." Amy replied with hatred seeping through her words.

"What do you want?" She asked her sister, while slyly reaching into her pocket for her pepper spray bottle that clung from her keychain.

Amy raised her arms up in defense. "Chill out, geek. I haven't come to kill you...yet."

"So why are you here?"

"I came to see Beau, I wanted to talk to him." She said, as if it were no big deal.

Sky crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at her sister suspiciously. "He's not here. You can tell me and I'll pass on the message to him."

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