2. Green Eyes

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Hey guys! So this is the very first chapter for Melbourne Elites :D I've been so excited to let you guys read this. 

I really hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed Elite Way.

So without further ado, please: read, vote, comment, & share. And if you liked Elite Way, please keep re-reading it. I have an ultimate goal of it reaching 50K reads. If it ever does, I will be so happy. 

One other very important detail. I might add a few supporting characters into the story, so if you would like to be in it (I don't promise a large part in the story, but surely you will be in it) please comment: your name, desired school (Locke #7, Elite Way, or Holmes Road), grade level (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year), and give a brief description about your looks. Keep it very broad.

Thank you!




The summer before their final year of High School was upon them, but a lot of students, mainly those who attended Elite Way had business to take care of at school. The delinquents of Locke #7 on the other hand, had three and a half months of absolutely nothing to do but enjoy the entire summer.

Elite Way was a prestigious chain of schools in the city of Melbourne.

The school system was made up of four schools: Elite Way Elementary Academy, Elite Way Middle Academy, Elite Way Academy High School, and Elite Way University.

Everyone who attended the Elite Way schools belonged to the elite class of Melbourne who were born into wealth and luxury. These were bred since birth to become future leaders of the country. They were kids who were taught to be the best of their generation and every single one of them came from families of politicians, doctors, lawyers, executives, actresses, only the best of the best were accepted into Elite Way.

There was another school in Melbourne that was competition for Elite Way. It was called Holmes Road Academy. Holmes Road was prestigious, but it always came in second after Elite Way, and for that, there was a one hundred year rivalry between the two schools.

Then there was one other school, as equally known throughout Melbourne as Elite Way and Holmes Road.

This school belonged in the public school sector, but was its own separate district of public schools. It was called Locke High School #7. There were seven others spread out over the country of Australia, each having their own elementary, middle and high school.

But Locke #7 had an especially bad reputation.

It was said that all students who went to those schools would never succeed in life. Those were the group of teens that had given up on their studies long ago, or the ones who decided to dedicate their lives to doing bad deeds. The government decided to develop the Locke schools, where those reject students no one wanted could spend their high school years doing nothing.

There was an elementary, there was a middle school, and there was a high school.

Children who were in Locke Elementary School #7 were usually kids from the poor social classes who couldn't afford to go to schools like Elite Way or who had parents that didn't care about them.

Those kids usually became rebellious and went on to Locke Middle School #7 where everything was the same and they were allowed to do as they pleased.

A lot of them would leave the school and never return, some liked the comfort that the school provided. For some, it was better than being at home. Once in a while, new students would join. Students who were once in the better schools like Holmes Road or Elite Way, but that didn't happen often.

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