4. The Make-Over

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Its Tuesday!

And you know what that means. A new chapter of Melbourne Elites :D *dance party* Yay!

I also wanted to let you guys know that I posted a new thing on my Wattpad account called 'Character Interviews' where you can ask any of my characters some questions and they will answer them as if we were all on a fun talk show.

So go there for more details and submit some questions for your favorite characters.


Anyway, thank you for almost 1K reads on this. I am so happy. 

Don't forget to read, vote, comment, & share.




"Your mum used to go to Elite Way?" Sky asked curiously.

"Why don't you come inside?" He gestured inside the house.

Sky nodded her head. "Uh...I'd rather just talk out here if that's okay." There was no way she would go into some delinquent's house. If someone were to even see her talking to him, they would think she was falling into the dark side, just like Lilliam was.

He smiled, stepping outside the door and closing it behind him. He sat on the small step and she sat next to him. "Yeah, we can do whatever you want."

"So..." She pried curiously. "Tell me about your mum."

He chuckled at her curiosity. "Okay. My mum came from a wealthy family. She always went to the best schools in the city, which as you know are the Elite Way Schools. When she was in high school, she was the smartest in her class and she was president of the student council. Everyone around her knew her and loved her because she was one of the sweetest people at the school."

"Just liked Lilliam." Sky found herself saying.

Beau nodded, "Exactly like Lilliam. In her third year at Elite Way, she met a delinquent boy. He was also from a wealthy family, but his parents disowned him when he dropped out of Holmes Road Academy to join Locke #7. He was Locke's delinquent leader. His name was Michael Smith..." He said and then it all sunk in for Sky.

His dad was a delinquent boy once, she thought.

He paused for a minute before resuming his story. "My parents fell in love. But Elite Way's principal at the time was ruthless and intolerant. He didn't want anyone from the school to have any sort of contact with the Locke kids. When he noticed my parents were seeing each other, he warned my mum that she would be expelled if she continued to see my dad. But my mum loved him, she didn't care if she got kicked out of Elite Way. Eventually, she lost her spot on the student council and a few weeks later she was expelled. She tried to apply to Holmes Road and they admitted her for senior year, but she was expelled from there when it was found out she was pregnant...with me. Her parents were angry at her when they found out about everything and they kicked her out of the house. She and my dad were able to rent a small apartment with their savings and my mum joined Locke #7 to finish up high school."

"Wow..." Sky breathed. Up until the point where his mum got kicked out of Elite Way, the story sounded strikingly similar to Luke and Lilliam's story. Then Sky said, "I thought your dad went to college though."

"Yeah," He nodded, "When their money ran out and they had me on the way, my dad went back to his parents, begging for help. They told him they would help him and give him money to sustain himself on the condition that he attended college. Naturally, my father agreed. So his parents bought him a spot at Holmes Road University and he went to college there. That's where he started up Orion Electronics Company with his best friend. Luke and Jai were born about two years after I was. Eventually, my parents started fighting a lot and decided to get divorced. But my mum still loves him. She always tells us she doesn't regret anything she did. Although I definitely think dad doesn't deserve her. She left everything for him and just when they had gotten over the worst of it all, he left my mum."

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