9. Summer in Ibiza

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New chapter for Melbourne Elites.

I really hope you like it. I'm seriously trying hard to update at least once story per day, if not more.

Guys, I'm getting my new phone on Monday! I'm so excited.

For those of you who applied to be in the story and haven't been intiduced yet, you will appear in the story when they start their first day of school, that will only be a few chapters from now.

Thank you for the support.

Don't forget to read, vote, comment, add, & share!




As was usual on debate days, the school auditorium filled up with students, anxious to see who would emerge victorious.

The ones who wanted lower positions went first, and so on, until it got to the juicier positions.

By the time the debates got to Vice Presidential candidates, Sky was feeling slightly nervous. She took a deep breath and walked up the few steps that led to the auditorium's stage where a podium was set up for each candidate.

By flipping a coin it was decided that Holly would go first.

Sky knew there was not that big a chance that Holly would win, due to the fact that Holly wasn't as popular, but she still couldn't help but feel a knot forming in her throat.

It always happened during student elections.

Sky zoned out for several minutes while Holly gave her speech only to be brought back when she heard the encouraging claps coming from the audience. Taking another deep breath, she began, "Teachers, faculty, Principal Bradford, and students...My name is Anakin Sky Walker, daughter of Cade and Aaliyah Walker. As you know, I served as your Vice President in the 2011-2012 school year, and it would be a great honor to be able to represent you all this upcoming year..." She went on to talk about things she wanted to improve at school, activities she had planned, benefits for the senior class, and how they all needed to work together to make Elite Way an even better school. Finally, she ended with, "And so, my fellow Elite Way students, ask not what your school can do for you, but what you can do for your school. Thank you."

There was a roaring applause that lasted several minutes and Sky knew she had wiped Holly off the map with her and Lilliam's campaign slogan as an ending phrase.

During Lilliam's debate against Ashley was when Sky worried.

The second Ashley opened her mouth, Sky wanted to go up there and punch her in the face. "Hello, my name is Ashley Beckham Smith and I would like to represent you as your student council president for the upcoming school year. You see," She turned slightly as the auditorium's projector screen lowered and the lights dimmed. Sky's heart sank when she saw pictures of her and Beau, followed by photos of Luke and Lilliam. "I don't think this is appropriate. How can you have people like these..." She pointed to Lilliam, "Representing you?"

"Personal attacks are of low class." Lilliam stated calmly. "My personal life is something that shouldn't concern you and something I am not ashamed about. Yes, I'm dating Luke Brooks the student leader from Locke #7, it surprises me if any of you were unaware of this fact. Miss Beckham Smith, you must have been living under a rock if you did not know this. Now if you'll be so kind to take those pictures off the screen and convince the students to vote for you by your own merit, not by attacking me. If you have nothing prepared, then get off the stage and let me commence my speech."

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