16. Ibiza Ep. 7: Newborn

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I am posting a new chapter for this story tha I hope you enjoy!

Guys, I have serously been listening to "This Boy" by The Beatles. If you've never heard it before, go listen to it now. You will fall in love.

"That boy took my love away. He'll regret it someday, but this boy, wants you back again."

Such a great song.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter. 

Don't forget to read, vote, and all that good stuff that makes me happy!




When she woke up, she wasn't down by the beach anymore.

Her head was throbbing and she felt like her entire face ached. She couldn't remember what had happened to her until she finally did.


She looked around, dazed and confused, and she saw she was back in her hotel room. Beau was sitting on a chair, right next to her bed. When he noticed she was awake, he frowned. "I'm so sorry, Annie. I really didn't want something like this to happen." He said.

She shook her head. "Its not your fault. I think she was already wanting to have a whack at me."

"I should have never given her false hope with me." He sighed.

"She's been having mental issues since we were kids, so don't feel like all this is your fault." Sky said.

When she noticed him staring at her face, she asked, "Why do you keep looking at me? What's wrong with my face?"

"Nothing." He replied.

She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. Getting up from the bed, she walked towards the nearest mirror. She gasped in horror as she saw the deep purple circles under her eyes and a white bandage over her nose. She turned to him. "How long was I asleep?"

"We called a doctor and he gave you a sedative while he fixed your nose. You've been out for several hours, almost an entire day." He explained to her.

"Where is Amy?" Her blue eyes met his green ones.

"She's in her room. She said she isn't leaving here without me." He said.

As she looked around the room, seeing it strangely empty, she asked, "Where is Lilliam?" She expected both Lilliam and Jason to be there because they were her best friends.

Beau shook his head, "They were here until just a few hours ago."


"Something happened with Savannah and she went into labor. Lilliam and Luke rushed rushed her to the hospital. Lilliam was so worried about her. She wasn't due for another month and a half. I stayed here because I didn't want to leave you alone." His arms wrapped around her slender frame and pulled her into his warm embrace.

Sky sighed, "I feel so selfish." Pulling away from him, she said, "We need to go to the hospital. I need to be there for Lilliam."

She rushed around the room, picking up her cellphone and a jacket, then the two headed for the hospital.





Luke was sitting in one of the waiting room chairs, along with the majority of the other teenagers who had joined them on the trip, with the exception of Leslie and Ashley. As Beau and Sky approached them, Luke looked up.

His face contorted in sympathy when he saw Sky's face. "Wow," He commented, "Your sister has a strong fist."

"Save it." Sky spat. When her eyes scanned the waiting room and she didn't see Lilliam, she asked, "Where is Lilliam?"

Luke replied, "She's in the delivery room with Savannah and James."

Placing a hand on her shoulder, Beau told her soothingly, "There's nothing we can do right now. Just sit down and wait for a doctor or Lilliam to come back." He gestured to the waiting room chairs, where the rest of the teenagers waited in anticipation.

Sky hurried over to Jason's side with Beau following closely behind her. "Jason, how is Savannah?"

Jason shook his head, "We haven't heard anything yet." Taking a look at her face, he began, "Wow, you look like a racoon."

"Now is not the time, Jason." Sky said angrily.

"You're right, sorry." Jason agreed.

Beau and Sky sat by Jason and they waited for news, but eventually, Beau got up and went to talk to his brother. Sky hoped everything would be alright.





Lilliam walked out into the waiting area several hours later.

Everyone looked up, hoping for good news when they saw her. But her expression was unreadable. Sky was the first who spoke up, "How did it go?" She asked.

"It went..." She trailed off.

"Lilliam..." Luke began sympathetically, already expecting the worst.

A wide smile grew on her face as she exclaimed, "It went perfectly well. The doctor said the baby is very healthy despite being born a bit over a month ahead of time."

Luke got up from his seat and hurried towards her, picking her up in his arms. "I'm so glad."

All the other teenagers in the room started cheering happily. The noise became so great that the nurse at the receptionist desk had to ask them to be quiet several times, but they just couldn't calm their happiness. Everyone there was either a friend of Savannah's or James and they were happy to know the newborn would be fine.

"So..." Beau said, wiggling his eyebrows at Sky. "When are we having our first little bundle of joy?"

Sky scoffed. "Until we're both done with college, but we'll have to be married first." She rolled her blue eyes at him.

Tiffany asked Lilliam, "Can we go in and see her?"

Lilliam replied, "I'll have to ask the doctor because there are so many of us. Maybe he'll let us go a few at a time."

"Was it a boy or a girl?" Skip continued with the sea of questions they were asking the Elite Way president.

"He's the most beautiful little boy I've ever seen." Lilliam responded, "And Savannah named him Jude."

Sky smiled.

Having kids was a bit far off in her plans, but she couldn't help but think about it, given the fact that there was now a baby in her life. Would she be a good mother? And did she really want to start a family with Beau?

Motherhood was something she had never thought about, but when she did, she had never thought it would be with a delinquent from the Locke school.

Maybe that was still an issue to her

Yes he was changing for her, but would she ultimately get over the fact that he had once been part of an entirely different world?

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