Character Profiles: Meet Bethanny Quinn

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Meet Bethanny Quinn.

Basic Info:

-Portrayed by: Sherlyn.

-Full name: Bethanny Rita Quinn Moriarty.

-Eye color: Brown.

-Hair Color: Dark Brown.

-Nationality: Australian.

-Favortie color: Purple.

-Birthday: October 3rd, 1995.

-Siblings: Aaliyah Marie Quinn & Daniel Sahyounie (step-brother).

-Best friends: Brittney Hughes & Diana Worthington.

-Love Interest: None (?)

-Favorite Food: Buffalo Chicken Strips.

-Height: 5'2ft. Approximate.

-Weight: 120lb. Approximate.

Bethanny is a seventeen year old student who attends the school Holmes Road and is President there. She is currently in the summer before her fourth year at the school. Beth is a very bubbly and nice young woman who gets along with everyone. Her parents divorced when she was very young and her mother recently fell in love with Daniel Sahyounie's father. Mr. Sahyounie and his son have recently moved into the Quinn household with Beth, her mum, and her sister Aaliyah. Daniel and Beth don't get along too well, which is why their parents want them to spend more time together. Beth currently has no love interest in the story, but may develop one later on.

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