8. Sabotage

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Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated anything in like almost two weeks, but I've been busy with finals and stuff with choir.

We had our Christmas concert last night and it was a blast! I wish you all could have gone. 

Well, here's a new chapter for Melbourne Elites.

Starling this Wednesday, I'll be able to post on all my stories more often so stay tuned for that. Thank you for all the support you've given me. And thank you for all the reads on not just this story, but all the other ones I've posted on here.

Don't forget to read, vote, comment & share!




When Sky appeared with Janey Bradford at the lunch foyer, all eyes were on them. No one ever imagined Sky Walker would ever invite someone to join her social group, even less that Janey would be the one chosen to join them.

Everyone at Elite Way admired Lilliam, Sky and Jason.

They were like teen royalty. Sky was the one with the attitude who made most of the planning, Jason was the one who thought out everything, and Lilliam was the sweet one and the leader who ultimately made the final decisions.

Lilliam smiled big at Janey, catching her off guard. "Hey Janey." Janey was surprised that despite being the most popular girl at school, Lilliam could be so humble.

"Hi...Lilliam." Janey replied, dazed.

Jason made a face. "Why Janey Bradford?"

"Jason!" Lilliam shot him a look.

"Because," Sky began, sitting at the table after pulling up a new chair that would remain there for the rest of the school year. "Janey is Principal Bradford's daughter and people will surely take Lilliam's side if they see Janey supports her."

Lilliam clapped her hands joyfully. "And we get to make a new friend."

Sky nodded, rolling her eyes. "I knew Lilliam would find making a new friend the most exciting part about this."

"Lilliam should be Janey's mentor then." Jason suggested.

At Elite Way, whenever a new school year started, the seniors would be required to mentor a new freshman student. It was on their list of requirements in order to graduate. Basically, the senior student would help the freshman find their way around the school and help them with everything they could.

Lilliam smiled at the suggestion, "That's a great idea! And Sky's mentoring Savannah, so everything will be great."

"And Jason's mentoring my brother Luke, right?" Sky asked Jason.

Jason nodded.

Lilliam opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a loud voice in the foyer. "Come get your cupcakes and support Ashley Beckham Smith!"

The four students at Lilliam's table turned in the direction of the voice to see two girls standing at the entrance of the foyer handing out cupcakes and campaign pins. One of them was Ashley Beckham and the other was Leslie Darlington. Jaidon was nowhere to be found.

Sky pointed at them. "We need to do something about this."

Janey crossed her arms over her chest, examining the two girls. Sky noticed there was an idea coming to her mind. Without saying another word, Janey nodded and walked purposefully towards the two girls. Ashley smiled wide, exposing her set of perfect white teeth. "Hello Elite student, would you like a cupcake?"

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