14. Ibiza Ep. 5: Unwanted Visitor

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Here's another update, although short.

I hope you guys enjoy it and continue reading my works. Thank you for 4K+ total votes and 5K reads on Simply Seeing Double.

All of this means so much to me because I know I'm not the best writer, yet my stories still seem to interest many of you. It makes me happy because I know I am making people happy and that's all I want.

Thank you for everything. And always know that you'll have a friend in me for anything you may need.




Mr. Santos arrived shortly after and Beau immediately got to work on getting the scooter up and running again.

The small engine purred when Beau turned the key in the ignition.

"Annie!" He called to her, as she was inside the small shop, still trying her hardest to get the hang of sweeping. In the Elite world, not being able to do something, no matter how irrelevant and stupid it was, was a dishonor for the family. And as of now, Sky felt as though she was a dishonor if anyone saw her struggling with pieces of straw attached to the bottom of a thin wooden stick.

Letting the broom crash down to the ground in frustration, she finally dusted herself off and looked to Mrs. Santos for encouragement.

"You did well, sweetie." She smiled at her.

A huge grin took over her pink lips as her words registered in Sky's brain. "Thank you!" The young elite girl exclaimed. "And thank you so much for all your help." She told Mrs. Santos and her husband as she ran out the door to the waiting scooter parked right outside.





They arrived in the small town where their hotel was situated, almost two hours after having left the shop.

After having returned their scooter, they asked the shop owner if the others had returned and he told them no. Beau wanted to go out and search for them, since he knew they were probably looking for them as well, but Sky suggested that it was better to go back to the hotel room and wait for their return.

He nodded, finally agreeing with her idea, after a few minutes of reluctance and then they headed back to the hotel.





There was a knock on the door and hushed murmurs coming from the other side. They were voices of concern and even some that sounded angry or upset. Sky, who was sitting on the living room couch with her boyfriend watching a movie, got up and walked the few steps towards the front door.

Lilliam, Luke, Jason, Jai, Daniel, Sky's brother and James all stood there together, along with their tour guide, who sighed in relief when he saw them. After making sure both were safe, he said goodbye to the group and went on his way.

"Where'd you two disappear off to?" Luke winked at his brother, who walked up behind Sky when he saw half of the whole group was there looking for them.

Beau replied in an annoyed voice. "Ask fucking Ashley."

"Ashley?" Jai asked.

"Yeah." Beau nodded.

Sky explained angrily, "Your little girlfriend pulled a part of our scooter's engine out and we were stranded for hours until we found a little shop in the middle of nowhere and a nice old lady helped us."

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