19. The Country Club

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The Country Club


The day of the Elite gathering at the country club soon came around and Sky found herself to be very nervous. Though it wasn't for herself. What she feared was that all the judgemental elite people would chatter about her and Beau.

She wore a simple white dress and straightened out her long blonde hair. 

She also used temporary hair color spray to hide her bright pink highlights. In the elite world, crazy hair colors were rarely approved of.

Adding a glossy color to her lips, she looked at her phone to check the time. 


Beau would arrive at any moment to drive her to the country club. She would have been worried about what he would wear if she hadn't been smart enough to storm his house the night before, searching for something non-delinquent like he could wear. But now, she was relieved she had done so.

There was a knock on her door that startled her. "Miss Anakin," The maid said, "A young Mr. Brooks is here to drive you to the country club."

"I'll be right down. Thank you." Sky announced before gathering her belongings and heading downstairs.


They arrived to be greeted by the valet parking crew who eyed Beau's car in amazement. 

Sky got out of the car as one of them opened the door for her. Beau went around to link arms wth her and the two walked inside. It was the most luxrious party he had ever seen.

Everyone was dressed in suits and cocktail dresses, each of them seemingly engrossed in boring conversations about business or politics. Michael Brooks, Beau's father, spotted him and his eyes widened in shock. 

He walked over to Sky and Beau. "What are you doing here, son?"

"Annie invited me." He gestured to Sky.

Sky greeted Mr. Brooks with a smile. "Good afternoon, sir. Its really nice to meet you."

"Aren't you Cade's daughter?" Michael eyed her suspiciously.

She nodded, "Yes."

"Ah, I see what's going on." He concluded. "You and your little Elite Way friends are trying to play a prank on my son, aren't you?"

"No-" She tried to explain, but he cut her off.

"My son may be a delinquent, but he's a good boy." Mr. Brooks scolded her.

"Dad," Beau interrupted before his dad could continue talking. "Its alright, Annie is my girlfriend. She's a nice girl."

"Right," Mr. Brooks cleared his throat. Before walking away, he said to Beau, "Remember son, at places like this, you are to address me as your uncle. My only son is Jaidon." Then he turned to walk away, disappearing into the crowd.

Sky scoffed. "Unbelievable. He has the nerve to scold me and assuming things about me, but then he turns around and says something like that to you?"

Beau sighed. "It doesn't bother me anymore. Don't worry."


For the most part, Beau and Sky did a lot of standing around. This party was mostly for adults and so the younger elites had opted to stay home that afternoon or were probably at a different part of the club, having some real fun.

One hour into the party and Sky nearly choked on her lemonade when she saw a familiar bleached blonde delinquent girl, accompanied by a reluctant looking Jason.

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