13. Ibiza Ep. 4: The Dinosaur Ring

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New chapter for Melbourne Elites and this one is extra long as a peace offering because I haven't been such a good author lately. I've been helping my sister start up on youtube.

Promoting her takes a lot of work.

But its worth it because my sister really wants to do this and she's so pretty and nice.

Anyway, my youtube account where I post fanfic trailers is kind of freaking me out. I posted a promo video for the Elite Way Series two days ago and it now has 1.5K views. And most of them are from like...the middle east. I know its stupid to freak out about this, but it just weirds me out. There's nothing wrong with the middle east though.

The thing is its just freaking me out a bit.

Anyway, please anjoy this chapter. 

Don't forget to read, vote, comment, add to your reading list and share! Thank you.




As they followed the middle aged man into the plaza where there were little shops with humble looking people standing in front of them, Bethanny Quinn marveled when she saw Savannah. "Oh my gosh, you are so pretty!" The Holmes Road president squealed, reaching out to pinch Savannah's cheek.

Savannah smiled politely. "Thanks."

Bethanny turned to Daniel, who was walking next to her on the left and she tugged on his shirt sleeve. "Look at this one, Danny. Just look at her closely. Doesn't she remind you of someone we know?"

Daniel bit his lip, thinking hard about it before replying. "No, she doesn't remind me of anyone."

"Of Aaliyah! She looks just like my sister." Bethanny exclaimed.

Lilliam let out a squeal of pure delight. "That is so cool!"

"What year is your sister?" Bethanny asked.

"First year." The red-head replied.

"My sister too!" Beth grinned. The two Presidents then hugged and jumped around like it was some big celebration. Their smiling and giggling was almost too much for Sky Walker to bear. They were acting like children.

Daniel finally nodded, "Oh! I see it. They have the same facial features, only Aaliyah is blonde."

"Is your sister really that pretty?" Luke Walker asked, having over-heard their conversation and became interested in the potential Savannah Pierce look alike.

Beth nodded, "Yeah, I'll show you a picture of her. They look identical."

Beth grabbed her phone out of her pocket and was about to show Luke Walker a picture of her sister Aaliyah when Sky interrupted them. "No, no, no." The blonde haired Elite warned her younger brother. "You are not going to go after some Holmes Road girl to become a lowly commoner. Besides, never in a million years would I accept becoming family of Bethanny Quinn."

Beth shot Sky a glare. "Like it would be a joy to become part of your family."

Luke Walker scoffed, "Oh yeah, Sky? And you do get to mix yourself with the commoners? Besides, Holmes girls are just as good as Elite girls."

Sky's jaw dropped at her brother's statement and her bright blue eyes narrowed at him in anger as her hands went to rest on her hips, "I'll have you know, my boyfriend was once an Elite, his father is a very important figure in the Elite world. And no matter what anyone says, he will always be one. It's in his blood line." He stood towering over her by a few inches, but still she was the one with the authority, as she was the oldest.

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