11. Ibiza Ep. 2: A Pleasant Surprise

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I've been bad at updating this past week.

I'm so sorry.

But my sister keeps using my laptop and I don't get to use it as much. But whenever I do get to use it, I type as much as I can.

Bear with me.

Thank you for the support and Happy Holidays!




The two ate breakfast together in silence, cleaned everything off the breakfast table and then went down to the beach with the others.

Lilliam knew, the instant she saw Sky, that her friend was mad at her.

There was something about the glares she shot her friend that made her catch on almost instantly. When Sky and Beau were close enough to Luke and Lilliam, Sky said, "Your plan to set me up with this guy," she pointed to Beau, who stood next to her, their hands grazing slightly as they walked, "backfired. I thought you were my friend, Lilliam." When they stopped walking, the blonde crossed her arms over her chest angrily.

"I am your friend." Lilliam began, "Which is exactly why I'm doing this. You need love in your life, Sky. You need a boyfriend. Your life seriously only revolves around school and school politics. We're teenagers, we need to have fun and enjoy ourselves too."

"What do you not understand about my life, Lilliam? I'm with Jason. I love Jason." Sky said, her tone not sounding all too convincing to Lilliam.

Lilliam made a face, seemingly not convinced. "I really don't think you and Jason are actually in love."

"Well believe it, we-"

She was interrupted by two voices in the distance, in a similar way in which Ashley appeared the day before.



Two girls hurried across the warm sand, dragging along their luggage, trying to beat one another to where the rest of the teenagers were standing. Both were fairly short in height, but otherwise they had contrasting features. One was of pale complexion, with blonde hair and greenish eyes. The other had dark brown hair, cream colored skin, and big brown eyes.

The blonde hurried over to Ashley's side and Sky immediately recognized her as Leslie Darlington, who was in the same class as Savannah, Janey and her brother Luke.

The other was someone she didn't know from school. But she knew she looked too rich and Elite to be a friend of the delinquent students. The brunette went over to Beau's friend Daniel and started talking to him. Sky groaned in annoyance, "The whole world is coming here!" She threw her head back. "This was supposed to be a vacation for Elites only. Does anyone else have a sister, brother, girlfriend or anyone they're going to invite?" She asked ironically.

Curious, Lilliam asked Daniel, "Who is she?"

The brunette smiled politely at Lilliam, extending her hand out for the Elite Way President to shake, "I'm Daniel's new step-sister. My name is Bethanny Quinn, President of Holmes Road Academy. Who might you be?"

Lilliam took Bethanny's hand in hers and shook it politely. "Oh my gosh! Then we're colleagues. My name is Lilliam Pierce and I'm President of Elite Way Academy High School. Its so great to meet you."

This time, Sky found it the right time to step in. "She's not actually a colleague of ours. Lilliam, that girl's only president because her family founded Holmes Road and her mum is the head mistress. She was practically given that position."

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