3. Rejection

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So this is slight filler, I do see that. But hopefully its interesting for your guys, because I created this for you :* You guys keep me motivated to keep writing. 

Also, last minute, I decided to add a plot twist to the story.

So when you guys read it, I hope you like it. Thank you so much for all your support. It really means the world to me.

Please don't forrget to read, vote, comment, & share!




She thanked God when they arrived and there was no one outside. The school's entrance was completely deserted. The summer prep classes had begun for the new freshmen, the athletes were probably already on the field for summer training, and the leadership students were most likely already inside having started with their meetings.

Basically, the entire school always returned for the summer.

She thanked Beau for giving her a ride to school and hurried out of his car, running into the building.


"Sky!" Lilliam yelled when she saw her friend come through the door. "I was calling and calling, but your phone was off. Where were you?"

Sky rolled her eyes. "I just had some car trouble."

Lilliam gasped. "Is everything okay?"

Sky nodded, "Yeah, one of your friends helped me."

The leadership coordinator, Ross Crawford, was standing at the front of the room and had stopped talking when Sky entered the room. "Welcome Miss Walker." She said to Sky. "We're glad to see you made it to the meeting. Better late than never. Today is very important."

"Sorry Dr. Crawford." Sky apologized.

"As I was saying," The tall and slender woman wearing executive styled attire continued talking. "I'm sure you're all aware that this week will be all about preparations for the Student Council elections." At Elite Way, the student council was chosen during the summer through an online program run through the school. The students who were going to run for any position, had to prepare speeches and promotional posters.

Then they had to get out there and convince people to vote for them. Then three weeks later the students would be able to cast their votes online.

Ski sat in her usual spot in the leadership meeting room that was slanted downwards like an auditorium, next to her two best friends since pre-school; Jason Ferguson and Lilliam Pierce.

"So..." Lilliam began, curiously, "Who helped you get here?"

"Your boyfriend's brother." Sky said simply, pulling out of her backpack the white leadership folder where she organized all her work.

Lilliam grinned at that. "Aw! Sky, I think you two go together so well. He's really trying to win you over."

Sky crinkled up her nose. "Oh, no thank you. I'll pass. I'm not really into peasant boys like you are. I know I went on a group date thing with you guys the other day, but it doesn't mean that boy's going to be my boyfriend or anything. My type of guys are Elite boys, possibly even Holmes Road boys. But never Locke boys."

"Luke is just as much a person as you and I." Lilliam said, with a twinge of anger in her voice.

"He's a delinquent." Sky pointed out.

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