22. A Talk to Remember

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22. A Talk to Remember

"He's leaving to England for a year."

The words resounded in Sky's brain as though they had been engraved into a stone. She couldn't wrap her head around the information she had just gotten from Lilliam. She had just seen him a couple of days prior, when they broke up at the country club. Now he was getting ready to leave the country for a full year?

She felt like she needed a bit more time to let it all sink in. 

"Why is he leaving?" Sky wondered, but somewhere in the back of her mind she already knew the answer to her own question.

Lilliam provided her with a response anyway. "Apparently he wants to be an elite again so that you'll take him back. His dad said he would help if he went to England for a year, to handle some of his company business." Lilliam then let a sigh escape her lips. Sky knew how much Lilliam disapproved of the social classes in town. "You should go to his house, talk to him, and ask him to stay."

"But what if he stays and things don't work out?" The blonde eyed her friend. "He may not even want to stay, even if I beg him to."

With a shrug of her shoulders, Lilliam said, "You need to decide what you want before its too late."

The red haired elite said nothing more and left Sky in her room to think things through. Lilliam knew her friend well, they had known each other since pre-school, and it was more than obvious to her that Sky adored Beau. She was completely in love with him, but she was also afraid of what everyone else would think of her if she dates him. Lilliam wanted her friend to realize that love was about thinking of one's happiness, instead of what society would think of the relationship.

Sky sat up in bed and thought it over. 

Just as any decision, there were pros and cons to asking him to stay. But when she finally choose a path to take, she knew it was the correct one.


Sky Walker drove down the rich neighborhoods until she found the house she was looking for. She didn't know where Beau's dad lived with his family, but she had gotten Lilliam to get the address from Luke. Luke didn't quite remember the address so well and they had to ask Jai for the address, which took some time longer than she would have wanted. The extra time made negative thoughts flood into her mind, and she thought about turning back several times.

But moments later, she was finally there. A security guard at the front gates asked her for her name before letting her in. 

She parked her car near the front of the house and walked up to the door. A friendly maid opened the door for her and led the blonde to the living room while she went to get Beau. Sky made herself comfortable, sitting on the living room couch while she waited. Her hands tapped on her knees nervously and her blue eyes observed every inch of the room. The decor was very European and fancy, the pieces of furniture looked even more expensive than the ones her family owned. 

Sky was caught up in an inner debate, wondering if she had time to make a run for the exit, when the person she was waiting for came right around the corner. He had caught her just in time before she changed her mind about being there. But now that they were face to face, she knew there was no going back. They would have to talk.

A small smile touched his lips as he greeted her. "Hey Annie." He had walked into the living room and sat down on the couch across from her, in between them was a coffee table. 


The nickname he had given her. There was a stab at her heart, her emotions being dragged out to the surface, that was what she thought he was trying to do to her. But it was just a simple greeting and perhaps he had just tried to be polite. And then that smile. That disarming smile that she wanted to wipe off his face because it made her heart beat like a drum. No one else ever called her Annie. That was his nickname for her. It was their thing

She waved awkwardly, not finding any words to respond. Not even a simple hello. How could this be happening to Sky Walker? She had given dozens of speeches since she joined student council in middle school. Sky always knew just what to say.

In this instance she had nothing.

Sky had also noticed how he seemed to be an entirely different person. His pink fringe was gone, now back to his original hair color. The bright pink in his hair that had complimented the soft pink touches in her hair was no longer. She subconsciously reached for a strand of her hair and felt out of place next to him, like he was now the elite and she the delinquent with crazy colored hair. He was dressed in business casual attire, a long sleeve blue button down and black slacks. On his feet were brand new dress shoes. His tattooes were completely hidden away, forbidden in the society he now wanted to be a part of.

"Is it true you're planning to leave Australia?" She got out nervously, starting off their conversation.

He chuckled slightly under his breath. "News gets around quickly, I see."

It was then that she had also noticed his way of speaking had changed entirely. They had taught him to speak formally, like an elite.

When she said nothing, he gave a nod of his head. "I'm moving to England for a year. Dad needs me to run some of his business over there. This is my opportunity to show everyone I can change, Annie. I have to go."

She shook her head in response to his words. "You don't need to do that."

"You clearly wanted me to make the effort." Beau argued, subtly hinting at the time when she had broken up with him. She had told him that he couldn't change. And he has taken from that his own conclusions. He saw that he needed to change if he wanted to get her back. Not just for her, but for himself. He wanted a better future for himself. "When I come back, I'll be a man you'll be proud to date. I'll be a man you'll be happy to be seen in public with."

The were thought of him leaving made her heart ache and tears burned her blue eyes. "Beau, forget all that stupid stuff I said about not being able to date you because of who you are." She paused for a moment as her voice cracked and she found that she was crying. "I love you, and I want you to stay."

"I have to." He told her. "Everything is already arranged for me to travel this weekend."

He got up from his seat on the couch across from her and walked away, the same way he had entered the room. 

Before turning the corner, he added, "I would really appreciate it if you would say goodbye at the airport. Saturday, my flight leaves at one, but I'll have to be there at least three hours early."


a rather short update. but there are just two more posts and this story is over. that is so crazy. i know i took like a year to update this book, but the journey was nice. probably tomorrow i'll post the last two updates so i can just get it over with. 

if you guys can, please go check out my other janoskians fic. its called 'absolutely prohibited' right now its in progress and its the sequel to absolutely forbidden, which ended a while back. thank you all so much for your time and support, and definitely if you have ever voted on this. thank you loads. have a spectacular week!

-clary xx

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