12. Ibiza Ep. 3: More New Members

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Hey! I hope you're all having a pleasant New Year's Eve! 

Just wanted to post this quick chapter for you guys before I shower and do my things for the party! I baked cookies and did all sorts of things. Oh, and happy New year to Australia and England and everyone who has already lived the first day of 2014.

Here in Los Angeles, we still have eight more hours of 2013 left.

Anyway, please enjoy the chapter and thank you for 1K votes on Elite Way! I screamed when it happened. Please check out the trailed I made for it too. Its on the sidebar in the book.

I'll make a trailer for Melbourne Elites soon.




"Jason..." She began, playing with her fingers nervously.

"Yeah?" He asked the blonde who was sitting on the sofa across from him in his room. Jason was sharing the suite with Sky's younger brother Luke, but he had gone down to the beach with Leslie, Savannah, and Janey who were all people in his freshmen class.

Sky heaved a nervous sigh before gathering up the courage to explain something she never wanted to admit. "The thing is...Jason..." She gulped.

"You're getting me worried." The curly haired boy said.

"Beau and I decided to try out being in a relationship." She finally blurted out.

Jason's eyes widened in shock. "Do you realize what this means? Anakin, the Elite world will shun you. People at school will look down on you because of this."

"You're not helping." She told him.

"Well its true." He pointed out.

"People accept Lilliam's relationship with Luke." Sky retorted. "Why can't they accept Beau and I?"

"Because Lilliam is Lilliam." That was all Jason needed to say for Sky to understand why Lilliam's relationship with a delinquent, and not just any delinquent, the ultimate delinquent leader. It was because Lilliam was loved by everyone. They loved her so much that Lilliam could commit murder and get away with it. There was not one person in the entirety of Elite Way who hated her.

That is until Ashley Beckham came along.

She is the only person in history who has openly declared her hatred for the elite president of the most prestigious school in Melbourne.

Jason finally shrugged his shoulders in defeat. "Ultimately, its your life. Do whatever you want."

"Beau is changing for the better and he's doing it all for me." She said, with an air of determination. "I'll make them accept him. He was born an Elite. He was an Elite until he decided to ruin his life by joining Locke. Like his dad, he still has time to come back to the good side."

"Or maybe he'll drag you into the Dark Side." He joked.

Sky made a face of annoyance. "Very funny, Jason."

"Hey, so..." Jason began, curiously, "I don't have to retend to be your boyfriend anymore...right?"

Sky shook her head no. "Thank you so much for the favor, Jay."

"Good." He let out a sigh of relief.

"Why? Do you like someone?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at her best guy friend.

He chuckled before turning beet red. "You know...its not manly for guys to talk about this, but...yes."

Sky gasped. "Who is it? Do I know her?"

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