Chapter 2: What I've Always Wanted

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Sorry it took so long to update this I've just been really busy with school and all but I will try to up date asap school will be over in about 2 to 3 months and I will have all the time in the world to update. Anyway on to the story...


Julian comes to the door covered in blood. ( i guess this is where I should tell you that Julian is hurt that's why he's covered in blood)  While pulling him in the house I run to get the first aid kit out of the upstairs bathroom. Wondering what happened I run downstairs and sit Julian down on the couch. Through this whole process Julian hasn't said anything, the only thing he's done is wince in pain. As I lift up his shirt I see huge gash marks covering his whole side. I grab the alcohol and a bandage. As I warn him that what was coming next was going to hurt he just nodded, so I poured the alcohol on the cuts and dried it off, put the bandage on, and wrapped his side with gauze. By this time I could feel him staring at me so I looked up for a moment, but when I looked up he turned away quickly. I get that he's the bad boy and all but why does he have to be so mysterious. Finally coming to my senses I get the courage to speak up and ask him what happened.

"What happened to you?" I said, with my voice shaking a bit.

By this time he looked surprised that I actually asked that question. But I mean anyone would want to know what happened to him after he showed up at their house covered in blood. Right?

"Why does it matter?" He said, looking kind of scared.

"It matters because you don't just show up at someone's door expecting them to help you with out an explanation before you leave. I kind of figured you didn't want me to take you to the hospital considering the fact that you have a car and you could've taken yourself, so I need an explanation." I said, sounding a little upset and angry at the same time.

Looking at me surprised he finally spoke.

"I knew that the hospital was going to ask questions and I couldn't answer them. So I was hoping you wouldn't either, but look how that turned out-" He said, but when he saw the look on my face he stopped talking. Probably to him I looked terrified, but inside I felt kind of pissed and I didn't even know why.

"Are you an idiot? Anyone would ask what happened to you if you just showed up to their door covered in blood. Now I want an explanation and you won't leave until I get one." I said, feeling really confident for some stupid reason.

Julian's face went from worried, to surprised, to a smirk in a matter of seconds and that's when he spoke.

" Then I guess we're gonna be here all night." He said, while pushing past me and walking upstairs.

I opened my mouth to disagree but it was too late he was already sitting on my bed by the time I got upstairs. Sort of pissed I yelled at him.

"Get the fuck off my bed you idiot. You are not staying here." I said, a little surprised from the tone of my voice.

"Oh yes I am. Besides you know you want me to stay here and cuddle with you baby cakes." He said, looking more confident then ever with the biggest smirk plastered across his face.

"Why would I ever want to cuddle with you? Also don't you ever call me baby cakes again." I said, with my hands clenched together trying to keep myself from slapping him for calling me baby cakes. Too tired to protest any longer I tell him he can sleep on the floor. After grabbing him a cover and a pillow I lock my door so my mom or brother won't come in here in the morning and I get in trouble for having a boy in my room. Laying back down I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Waking up the next morning I feel arms wrapped around me. I turn around to find Julian laying next to me. Even though I actually liked laying here cause it was warm I still had to give him a piece of my mind. He looked so cute sleeping, but that didn't matter cause he got in my bed without my permission, so there was going to be some consequences. Moving his arm off me I sit up and look down at him right before slapping him in the face. As soon as my hand came in contact with his face he shot up and looked at me.

"What the fuck." He said, while clenching his chest. I guess I probably scared him, but I didn't care he shouldn't have gotten in my bed.

"Why the hell are you in my bed after I remember telling you clearly that you were to sleep on the floor? You had no right whatsoever." I said trying to keep my voice low so my brother wouldn't hear me.

"Well I was cold and the floor was hurting my side. Besides I woke you up and asked you if I could, you probably just don't remember since you were half asleep." He said, while sitting back down on the bed.

"Well that still doesn't explain why I woke up with your arm around me." I said staring at him and giving him a look that let him know I was pissed.

"I guess that just happened in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. But don't act like you didn't like it." He said with a smirk returning to his face.

"Well whatever let me just re-bandage your side again and then I'm gonna take a shower." I said, finally remembering that I need to ask him what happened while heading to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

Coming back I open the box and grab the Neosporin and apply it to his cuts. Then I put the bandage on and wrapped the gauze around him and taped it. After I do that I look down at his abs which was a 6 pack but looked like they were on their way to an 8 pack. As I reached my hand out to touch them I snapped out of my trance when I heard my mom call me downstairs for breakfast. Standing up I yell back to her.

"OK BE DOWN IN A SECOND." I said, with my heart beating fast hoping she wouldn't come to my room. As I remember that Julian is still in my room I turn to him when I realize he was staring at me this whole time. I quickly tell him to wait there while I go get my breakfast and bring it upstairs. Being nice I got enough for me and him because I knew he was hungry. Making my way up to my room I see my brother in his room making out with a girl. I don't really say anything I just gag and go onto my bedroom. Getting to my room I sit the plate down on the bed and eat my food and tell Julian I got him some too.

"Thanks baby cakes." He said, as he took a bite of a link sausage that was on the plate.

"Don't call me baby cakes and your welcome." I said, with a kind of calm face. As soon as we both finished I took the plate down stairs and put it in the sink and made my way up to my room. I looked at Julian who had made himself comfortable in my bed and told him that I was going to take a shower and that he could wait there. But him being him he asked if he could take one with me of course I told him no and with that he said he had to go.

"Bye baby cakes don't miss me too much." He said while climbing out the window.

"Trust me I won't asswipe." I said, quickly before he finished climbing out the window and with that he was gone...

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