Chapter 35: No Regrets

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This chapter is sort of a flash forward because I felt like my story wasn't going anywhere. But anyways enjoy :)


We were now on our Christmas break. Julian and I have been better then ever we hang out all the time some people might call it being clingy but we just can't seem to get enough of each other.

According to Sophia she has been hanging out with Jasper a lot. She hasn't exactly said they are together but I have the feeling that my little assumption is right.

Kyle and Vanessa have been together now for about two and a half months and they are literally the cutest couple ever. The only flaw they have is being one of those mushy gushy couples like where they say "no you hang up." And then the other person is like "no you hang up." I really hated those couples but since they are my friends I decided to make an exception.

Tyler and Audrey had apparently been dating for awhile and I just was too oblivious to notice it either that or it was because they were dating secretly but Audrey was one of my best friends I should've noticed the change in her behavior but then again I haven't been hanging out with her or Willow lately and it's actually made me feel pretty guilty I mean it was like as soon as Sophia came to live in Walesview and Julian came back in to the picture I just tossed them to the side and they probably hate me now because of it.

Honestly I don't really know much about what's going on with Willow and Asher. It seems as if Asher has passed his mysterious behavior and personality on to Willow. Usually when I could tell if something was wrong with Willow I would just have to take one look at her and know something wasn't right but since Asher started hanging out with her I have to try harder to read her and even then I still can't decipher what she's thinking. I don't even know if Asher and Willow are dating and I guess I won't know unless she tells me because like I said, I can't read her.

Chase decided to live off campus again and live with me until I graduated because he didn't feel like I should be alone. I know he means well but I just can't help but feel like it's all apart of his little revenge plan to get me back for kicking him in the refrigerator.

Cameron and Camden both have still been talking to those twins we found them with in that secret room we found in Sophia's house. Since the twin girls don't exactly go to our school we don't usually hang out.

I on the other hand am now on my way over to Julian's house for a surprise he said is waiting for me there but I guess now that I think about it it's not really surprise considering the fact that I know about it. The only thing that is a mystery is what the 'surprise' is.

Pulling up to the gate I pressed the buzzer and the gate slid open immediately as if he had been waiting for me. I pulled my car up the driveway and parked.

Looking up to the enormous house I realized I still wasn't over its beautiful glory. But I mean anyone who didn't live here or in a house that was as big, would absolutely never get over how huge it was.

I walked up the path way that led to the steps and looked down. What I saw made my heartbeat pick up its speed. It was a single rose petal. But followed by that one were more leading into the house. Indicating that I had to follow the petals to get to my surprise's destination I followed.

Once I got in the house all the lights in the grand hall were on including the large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. As I looked at the rose petals I saw that they led to the wall to the left of the door. He was leading me to the bowling alley down in the secret room he found months ago. Anyone else that saw this would've been confused as to why he would lead them to the wall but little did they know that the wall opened up and led to a huge bowling alley.

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