Chapter 8: Nothing But A Game

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Sorry I haven't updated in long time I have decided I'm going to update on weekends only cause I have school but when summer comes that might change.

Previously on going with the wind felicity was called to her house by Julian and he told her about what happened to his side later they fall asleep in each other's arms.

Opening my eyes I realize that Julian is still in my bed and he has his arm draped over me. Slowly removing his arm from on top of me so I won't wake him I slide out of bed as quiet as possible. But while I was tip toeing over to the bathroom I trip causing a loud thump and end up waking him up.

"Why do I have to be so fucking clumsy." I said more to myself then I do to him. After standing up I hear soft muffled chuckles behind me. Turning around I see Julian grinning more then ever. After telling him to shut up I go to the bathroom and take a shower after getting out I step in to my bedroom only to find my window standing wide open and my bed empty. While I was sort of pissed that Julian left without saying goodbye I shrugged it off and finished my morning routine, after I finish I grab my things and head to school.

Pulling in the school parking lot I grab my things for school and head to my locker before I'm late. After arriving to my locker Audrey and Willow come up to me still showing shock on their faces about what happened between me and Julian the day before. Once the bell rings I head right in to first period. Looking to the back of the room I see Julian with one of his usual sluts sitting in his lap.

While anger and shock slaps me across the face I head to a seat far away from them. I realize very quickly that I was an idiot and Julian was just trying to get in my pants. Well guess what he failed and now he's moving on. Honestly I'm kind of relieved that he's gone now I don't have to worry about him getting on my nerves.

After first period ends I head to the bathroom to put on some makeup because I didn't have much time to put any on this morning. After applying some make up I head to lunch since I stayed in the bathroom for most of second period so I sort of skipped it. My mom most likely wouldn't find out because she's on business trips most of the time. After arriving to the cafeteria I don't even bother getting any food because well it's disgusting.

Once I get to the lunch table I see my two best friends waiting for me. After sitting down I don't mention what I saw Julian doing in first period because I know they will make a scene and I really don't want the attention.

Throughout lunch my friends and I talk about normal things like school, shopping, parties, and everything else teenage girls usually talk about. Once lunch is over the rest of the school day flies by.

After last period is over I go to my locker to put my books away and head to the parking lot to go home. Getting to the parking lot I see the one person I've been avoiding all day leaning against my car. Trying my best to not let it get to me I get in my car and wait for him to get off of it. Having no hope I get out and finally speak to him for the first time since this morning.

"Get the fuck off my car so I can go home." I said, while trying my best not to remove him myself.

"And just why would I want to do that." He said, sounding like the biggest douche in the world.

"Because maybe for once you would be not so annoying and just move and let me go home." I said.

"Well your mistaken cause I'm not a person that would just let a woman go." He said, with the biggest smirk on his face until he saw the look on mine.

"Woah wait a minute what's wrong with you." He muttered, while the smirk slowly slips off his face.

"Nothing just please move. I just want to go home Okay. I said, with tears slipping on to my eyes but I quickly blink them away.

"I will let you go home when you tell me what's wrong. Is it because of what you saw in first period?" He said.

"Nope I could care less about that. I'm not gonna get upset over something when I knew the whole time you were with me it was nothing but a game to you. Now can you get off my car?" I said, but I don't know why I was about to cry maybe I did care for him but I don't know.

Finally getting off my car Julian looked at me with a concerned look on his face looking kind of like someone just ran over his kitten or some shit. He looked at me that way the whole time I was backing out of the school parking lot.

Driving down the road, the whole time I was thinking about Julian the way he pretended to care for me. Oh how I was so wrong. I laugh at myself for actually believing anything he said to me. But one thing I couldn't get over was the look on his face when I left him standing there in that parking lot....

Ok so I know this chapter wasn't very long but I was trying to hurry cause I am really tired and I was honestly running out of inspiration so yeah. But anyway have a nice night or day wherever your at and whatever time it is there :)

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