Chapter 33: Oh, Who's This?

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Hi guys here I am with another chapter. I hope you're liking the way the story is going right now. And you will get to meet Ashley soon enough if not in this chapter then in the next chapter. Anyways enjoy :)


I'm literally freaking out right now I mean what am I going to do. My hair looks awful from the chlorine in the pool I am not in the best attire to meet his parents for the first time.

Julian said that his parents make time for him and his sister but why did now have to be the time that they had to make for them. Then again from the speed that Julian took off in towards the door I guess they haven't made that much time for them recently. It was so cute how he just took off as soon as he heard his mother's voice. I sure do love a boy that loves his mom.

Instead of seeming rude I decided to walk in the direction that Julian went so I could meet his parents I mean it was inevitable I was gonna have to meet them eventually. I'm just glad that Julian decided to wash and dry my clothes because if they saw me in his jersey they would only think the worst of me and I really didn't want to make a bad first impression. No one ever forgets a first impression.

So walking towards the direction Julian went I stopped in front of a mirror in the hall and fixed my hair as best as I could then I proceeded towards the front door.

Once I made it there I saw Julian hugging his mom so hard she looked as if she was having trouble breathing. He finally let go of her as soon as he saw a tall man enter. Which I am assuming is his father from the looks of it I can now see where Julian gets his angelic looks from. He ran straight into a man hug with his dad but he didn't hold him as long as he did his mother.

His father was a nice looking man to be about in his 40's. He had green eyes. He was about 6 '1 and he looked to have some muscle beneath his shirt sleeve. Julian's mother on the other hand was a tan skinned woman she looked to be in her 40's as well but she looked very very young. She wasn't short either no wonder Julian was a freaking giant maybe because both his parents were.

Julian's dad

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Julian's dad

Julian's dad

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