Chapter 31: Karma's a Bitch but I'm Worse

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Heathens by twenty one pilots ^

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've had a bit of a writers block so if this chapter is really bad I'm so sorry just bare with me here. I really hope you like it even if it is bad. I also would like to thank all readers even the ghost readers I would also like to thank any reader that has been here since my book started that really means a lot. Every time I see that my views on book get higher it just puts a smile on my face so thank you all so much for taking your time to read it and this long ass authors note lol but anyway enjoy :)


A million thoughts ran through my mind as I stared blankly at my phone. This can't be happening. I thought it was over. I should've known Sam wasn't going to go down that easy. God I'm such an idiot. We all are for thinking this was over. We are all about to go down the same road.

Suddenly I was broken out of my trance when someone snapped their fingers in front of me. Coming back to reality I look around and finally notice the stares. A video of Julian and I making out and him picking me up and taking me over to my bed was replaying over and over again on my phone with the caption "No more goody two shoes Felicity she's come to the dark side. Who would've thought she would give it up to just anyone and Julian Moreau at that? Definitely not me. News flash Felicity you will never beat me. Your move."

As my eyes reread the caption on the video I just felt like crawling in a hole and dying. Sam was always going to be one step ahead of us. And that's when I decided to speak, "Guys what have we done. Sam has completely ruined my life. Everyone is st-staring. I can't do this. I j-just can't." I said, as my legs buckled beneath me and I fell to my knees and covered my tear covered face.

"Shh. Calm down Felicity it's okay. We will fix this. Everyone might be judging you right now but you just wait until we release that video. Not only will we bring down Sam we can bring Katie down too. We're sticking to the original plan. We're going to ruin their lives just as they have yours. Because guess what, karma is coming for them and karma is a bitch and so. are. we. We might even be worse." Sophia said while smirking and helping me up.

"You know what? We are bitches. To other people being a Bitch might be a bad thing but not to us. They might've met karma but they sure as hell haven't met the bitchiest version of me. And they are going to wish that they never fucked with us." I said, while wiping the tears off my face and regaining my composure.

As I looked around at all of my friends' faces I put the biggest smirk on my face while I looked back down at my phone. When I found the video of the party I pulled it up and shared it to everyone in my contact list which was half of the school, with the caption "You fuck with me you get what you ask for. I'm the new karma bitch and I'm coming for you SAM. You said it's my move well here it is. As for Katie Stevens I just wanted to tell you that you should really get rid of your desperation. To everyone that gets this I wanted you to know that Katie was told she wasn't invited to the party and yet she snuck in anyway and Sam drugged all the drinks at the party so if you guys want to blame anyone for those terrible hangovers you guys had you can blame him. News flash Sam I was already on the dark side as for my sex life you guys can think what you want but don't be hypocrites. Now please move on and get a fucking life Sam. I will not tell you that it's your move now because I'm done with your shit. Btw Julian is my boyfriend i.e. I can do whatever I want with him. A little lesson you should learn is don't poke the fucking bear while its sleeping or you'll wake it. But guess what the bear is awake now and well it's not going to sleep for awhile. Get comfy bitches." And then I sent it.

I look up at Sophia and we both smirk right before I remember one last piece of revenge to do.

"Oh yeah Sophia I need you to find out Katie's parents' emails so I can send the video to them." I said while a variation of ringtones rang through the school. That was the sound of victory to me but to Sam and Katie it was just the beginning.

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