Chapter 23: The Promise

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Francisco lachowski for you guys. There is plenty more where that came from.

If any of you would be nice enough to make me a book cover for this story please message me on wattpad for the details that would be nice and if you do thank you so much. Also sorry guys I didn't have a chance to update yesterday I was on vacation with my parents so I didn't have the time but thankfully I'm at home now so I can definitely update now so yeah. Enjoy :)


As soon as Camden and Cameron came in contact with the wall, after we flipped up the wall beds, they started screaming and shouting profanities and threats our way but all we could do was laugh. I was literally doubled over laughing so hard with tears streaming down my face.

We were laughing so much that we didn't notice that Camden and Cameron miraculously got out from against the wall and started heading our way.

Once I realized that Camden was coming for me first, I hopped up off the floor and ran as fast as I could away from him, Sophia and the rest of the guys followed suit. Apparently the Cam twins (yes the Cam twins don't judge me) were hot on our tails so I headed straight up the secret little loft room's steps and locked the door after the rest of my friends made it up here safely.

As the Cam twins banged on the door I went to the sink to throw some water on my face because this was way too much running for it to be the day after a party. I mean I know I didn't get tore up drunk but the alcohol still hit me as much as it did the others.

Once I dried my face off I went to the door of the secret room and I yelled through it saying, "If you both promise to be on your best behavior I will let you out. But if you lie to me then I will show Hailey and Hannah every embarrassing thing that I have of you like that picture that you both took on my phone–" I said, teasingly but was cutoff by the boys yelling an 'okay, okay we promise' and with that said I unlocked the door and swung it open revealing two very similarly flustered looking twins.

As much as the both of them wanted to hurt all of us for what we did they knew not to take my threat lightly.

After finally calming everyone down and everyone out of our friends were  found we sat down on the couch in the attic because we didn't trust that there wasn't diseases all over the couch down stairs in the living room. We decided to just put in a movie on the tv that was lying on top of a naked Asher. Ew the images make me shudder just seeing them. Anyway as they popped the movie in Julian asked me if he could talk to me downstairs and I said sure.

Once we made it down the stairs I finally decided to break the silence that was happening,

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked as my heart rate increased its speed while I stared into Julian's irresistible chocolate brown eyes. But I definitely was not going to tell him that his eyes were irresistible I mean his ego was already big enough.

"I wanted to talk about everything that happened last night. I know that you still have trust issues and all so I'm not going to push you for an answer right now. But we did kiss last night and anyway I know that you don't want to be with me I just wanted to know what are we exactly? Are we friends, acquaintances, or do you want to be strangers?" He asked, while scratching the back of his neck as if he was nervous. The boy wouldn't even look me in the eyes anymore like what happened to the bad boy I know and love. Wait Love? Oh god this can't be happening. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

That one word that I let my mind slip in to my thoughts sent many terrible thoughts and questions through my head. Like for instance; how could I love him when I barely know him? Oh god no.

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