Chapter 5: What Have I Done?!?

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Waking up the next morning I realized that I made a terrible mistake. Looking over to Julian I wake him up freaking out.

"Shit, shit, shit." I said, while pacing back and forth.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Julian said, looking really confused.

"We stayed here all night. I didn't even tell my mom where I was. She's probably freaking out right about now. I'm screwed Julian, I'm screwed. What do I do? She's gonna kill me." I said, running my words together a little.

"Just calm down baby cakes we'll figure something out." Julian said, with a very calming look on his face.

"Ok, ok, let me just check my phone." I said, calming down just a little bit.

Looking at my phone I've got about 15 missed calls from my mom, 20 texts from Audrey, 10 missed calls from Willow, and about 30 missed calls from Chase AKA my brother.

Checking my phone wasn't the best idea considering the fact it made me freak out even more. While pacing back and forth I finally get an idea. I look at Julian and start explaining what I'm gonna do.

"Ok so this is what I'm going to tell them. I'm going to say that I didn't feel well and so I left school early and was walking home when you decided to pick me up and since I was afraid to go home because my mom would be pissed you asked if I wanted to just go chill out at your house. When we got to your house later I laid my phone down because it was dead and I didn't have my charger and I decided to lay down and take a nap which turned in to being a whole day nap and then I woke up and found a charger." I said, while hoping that this was a good idea cause it was all I could think of. "Is that a good idea or not?" I ask, looking hopeful.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Well atleast I hope it is." Julian said giving me a soft smile.

"Ok I'm gonna call my mom cross your fingers, and pack up all the stuff and put it in the car so we can be getting down the road." I said, while hurrying him along.

Unlocking my phone, I go to my contacts and press call on my moms number. The phone rings three times before someone picks up.

"Hello." I said, with my voice a little shaky. "Mom are you there is that you?" I said, as I hear sniffles on the other line.

"Yes I'm here. Licity where have you been and why haven't you been answering any of mine or your brothers calls? We were worried sick about you." My mom said, while crying.

"Well yesterday at school I didn't feel well so I decided to leave early during my free period and I decided to walk cause I had a lot going on so I wanted to clear my head. Then this boy named Julian came up to me, he's my friend by the way, then he asked me if I would want to go lie down at his house since I was afraid to come home cause I didn't want you to yell at me for skipping school. When we got to his house I put my phone on his table because it was dead and I didn't have a charger. After that I laid down on his bed and ended up falling asleep and that little cat nap that I thought I was taking turned out to last all day. But as soon as I woke up this morning I looked for a charger and when my phone came back on I realized how scared you must of been and well now here we are." I said, while wondering if she believes this little story of mine.

"Just come home." Was all my mom said, with her voice sounding stern before she hung up.

After that terrifying phone call I got in my car and drove to Julian's house to drop him off before heading home myself. Sitting in the car alone after dropping off Julian I realized that we didn't even get to talk about what happened last night. Throwing that to the back of my mind I pulled in to my driveway and headed into my house.


Stepping in the door wondering what was about to come next I walk in to the kitchen. I look up and my mom is sitting at the counter rubbing her head with her eyes all puffy and bags under her eyes. I finally got the courage to speak.

"Mom I'm home." I said, quietly

My mom didn't even look at me instead she ignored me and walked right past me like I was a ghost or something.

"What have I done?" I think to myself while following my mom out the kitchen into the living room.

While I was wondering what she was about to do she lied down on the couch and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the couch cushion. I ran to get her a blanket.

After covering her up I head up stairs to take a shower since I kind of slept outside all night. After getting out I threw on some white high waisted shorts, put on a long sleeved blue and white faded thin sweater, I put on a pair of white converses, and gold and white flower shaped earrings. After throwing on my clothes I dried my hair and left it down, then I threw on a little bit of mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss and headed over to Audrey's house to tell her what happened.

On the way there I texted Willow to meet me there. Once I got there I knocked on Audrey's door and her mom answered the door. Audrey's mom might've been in her 40's but she looked like she was in her early 20's. She told me to head on up to Audrey's room.

As I reached her bedroom door I knocked. After knocking I hear a voice telling me to come in. After entering Audrey attacks me with a bear hug. After letting me go she asks me what I need to tell her and I told her that I wanted to wait until Willow got here so I wouldn't have to repeat myself. Once Willow got to Audrey's house we all sat on her bed. They both gave me a look telling me to go on telling the story. After about 15 minutes of explaining what happened the day before, their mouths were wide open they both said in unison.

"YOU DID WHAT......"

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter it might've been a little rushed sorry.

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