Chapter 12

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(AN: I'm going to Lego land this weekend so I wont be able to update or read any stories until Sunday.)

"JARVIS what the hell was that?"

"It would appear that Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers are fighting." I ran to the elevator towards Steve's floor. When I opened the elevator I immediately ducked as Steve's shield was thrown towards me. 

"What the hell guys!" I ran into the living room and see its totally trashed. The TV was broken, the windows were smashed, the furniture was thrown around and there was a small fire on the floor. I put out the fire and went to Steve's room.

Steve was on the ground and Tony was over him, fighting and yelling.

"Hey!" I threw a dagger between the middle of them causing them to stop.

They both looked up at me shocked.

"You could have took of my face!"

"Probably should've aimed at your mouth." I snapped and Tony growled. Steve pushed Tony off of him and stood up.

"What happened?" 

"Ask Spangles." Tony left the room angry.

I walked over to the bed and sat down waiting for Steve to start talking. He got up and was about to leave.

"Umm aren't you gonna tell me what happened?"

"It doesn't matter." He snapped.

"Actually it does matter because you and Tony almost destroyed the tower over it," I raised my voice standing up. "Tell me what the hell happened."

"Look why don't we just forget about everything. Forget about meeting each other and forget the fact that I fell in love with you, since obviously," He let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You have a husband." 

"Y-You love me?" I was shocked.

"Yes Maddison I did fall in love with you, but now I'm not sure if I feel the same anymore." And with that he left. I was frozen.

Steve loves me.

Well he used to until I told him.

Why does my heart hurt? 

I looked down at my hands and didn't see them turning blue.

Okay so its not my powers... 

Do I love Steve?

No, I'm a Stark, and Starks don't fall in love...Right?

I need to leave, I cant deal with this.



My mom.

My powers.

Its getting too much.

Third Person POV

Natasha was holding a sleep Artemis when Maddison came to her level dressed in all black and 2 backpacks.

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