Chapter 13

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Maddison's POV

The next day I went to the store to refurbish the fridge and pantries in the house. Artemis was sleep most of the day because she had a slight fever. I didn't want to leave her in this condition but the sooner I handle this the sooner she gets to be happy again at Avengers Tower. I stocked up on snacks, some are healthy and some are just junk. I mean I'm still human you know! When I was finish shopping it was 3 in the afternoon, and I was tired. I took Artemis inside and gave her some medicine. Then laid her down on my bed right beside me. I then took a shower and went down to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cinnamon poptarts and laid on the couch eating them until I fell asleep. I woke up at 8 pm. I was heading out to D.C. to kill the people who planted the tracker on Artemis. Nat was coming back over to watch Artemis while I'm gone. I'm not even sure how long I'm going to be gone.

I packed my bag and headed out the house towards the Quinjet that was landing in the middle of the street. I have no idea why she didn't want to land in the backyard since its huge and neighbors cant see. Natasha soon walked out with a small bag in her hand. I walked to the jet and Natasha pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Cant.. Breathe.." I manage to say. She pulled away with a sad smile on her lips.
"Everything is restocked in the pantry and refrigerator. Artemis's bed time is at 7:30 and if she eats her vegetables she can stay up until 8. She rarely gets to 8 but if you have a hard time putting her to sleep you can either sing to her and give her warm milk or put on a Disney movie.  She has a slight fever, the medicine is on my nightstand. Also-" Nat cut me off.

"You're making it seem like I haven't been here while you were putting her to bed." She crossed her arms with a small smirk on her face. I sighed.
"I've never been away from her since i left Hydra, I'm scared to leave."

"Hey I'm going to be watching her. If i have to go on a mission i will call Ms. Sophia (Director Fury's ex wife; Maddison's grandma) to come and watch her. Don't worry. You need to focus on getting in and out in one piece." This time it was my turn to pull her into a hug, it wasn't a bone crushing one, but it was tight.

"In case anything happens, here." Nat gave me the small bag. I pulled out what was in side and saw a silver small necklace with a small ball in the middle. Looking back at Natasha i gave her a questioning look.
"It's a tracking device that Stark made years ago. Scanners wont detect it if they scan you or if they have a signal jammer the frequency will . The ball in the middle is the tracker with a built-in mic. Only works one way so you wont be able to hear anything we say. Me, Clint and Fury will be monitoring you at all times."

"Alright, thanks Natasha, really." I hug her again and head inside the jet then took off to D.C.

Third Person's POV

Bruce was in the Lab at Avengers tower examining the tracker that was in Artemis's neck. Natasha asked him for help because he was the only one she could trust to find out more about it.

Bruce looked at the tracker under a microscope and something caught his eye. He magnified it and saw a logo.

"Oh my god." He whispered and quickly picked up the phone calling Natasha.


"Natasha I know who the tracker belongs to and you're not gonna believe it."


"Justin Hammer."

"Shit. Maddison is already in route to the base in D.C."

"Warn her now. If Justin Hammer is able to plant a tracker this hi-tech then who knows what else he can do."

Maddison's POV

When I arrived in D.C. it was pretty dark. I landed a mile away from the Hydra base. It was in an abandoned warehouse that was in the middle of nowhere. I grabbed my bag and made sure I had all my weapons on me, even the hidden ones in my clothes. I put the plane in stealth mode and opened the hatch. I jogged to the warehouse and stopped when I saw a guard doing his routes. He walked behind the warehouse and I took that as an opportunity to go. 

I shot a grappling hook to the roof and scaled up the wall. I hopped onto the roof and took out an agent that had his back towards me. The rest of the roof was clear so I walked to the skylight and opened the hatch quietly. And jumped inside.

Third Person's POV

"So you're telling me that the one device that could track anyone regardless of how far they are, isn't transmitting?!" Fury yelled.

Natasha, Bruce and Director Fury were at a secret S.H.I.E.L.D base that only 10 people knew about. They were in a control room with 6 other agents who were trying to track the necklace Natasha gave to Maddison. Artemis was back at the safe house with Clint.

"Where did the signal go dark?" Natasha asked.

"2 miles out of D.C." An agent said.


The room went silent.

"I think we should call Stark in."

"Oh really? I thought we were doing fine by ourselves." Fury snapped sarcastically. 

"Romanoff, it was you and Maddison's assignment so you're going to call." And with that Fury stormed out the room leaving Natasha to groan.

Bruce dialed Tony's number and put it on speaker. Natasha motioned for the agents to leave the room while she made the call.

"Genius, Billionaire, Playboy here, how may you help me? Since I don't help people." They could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Stark this is serious. Something has come up." She started.

"Well I may or may not have done something that would get me in trouble."

"Maddison is missing." Bruce blurted out and the line went silent for a moment.

"You guys better be ready to die, I'm on my way." Stark said angrily and hung up.

Maddison's POV

I hid behind a crate and heard voices. 

"You finish the drones yet? Are they ready?"

"Yes I finished them but they'll need to be tested first before they are ready."

"Well hurry up."

"Hydra works with you not for you Hammer, it would be wise to remember that."


"Well I'm the one with the tech, weapons and the knowledge-"


The room went silent. Next thing you know I was hit in the back of the head by something. The last thing I was a logo on a crate that said Hammer Advanced Weapons System.

An: Hey made a Prequel to Tony Stark's Daughter and the teaser is up. Make sure you check it out!! And don't forget to Vote& Comment on here!!

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